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About DMNetworking Library

DMNetworking Library is a powerful library for doing any type of networking in Android applications which is made on top of AsyncHttpClient and Jackson JSON parser

How to integrate

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

	dependencies {
	   implementation 'com.github.pmbfish40:DMNetworking:1.2.5'

If you're using Maven:

Add the JitPack repository to your build file


Add the dependency


Don't forget to add permission on AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

If your working with files you should add also

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />


DMNetworking Library takes care of everything. All you have to do just make request and listen response. You can listen response in different ways:

  • Simple JSON response
  • Parsed Object response
  • LiveData response
  • Error JSON response
  • Error Object response
  • Error LiveData response
  • Fake json response if server-side not available
  • No internet connection handling

If you don't know about LiveData I suggest to read about this.

Why use DMNetworking?

  • Build your request by creating your own request config
  • Google announced LiveData and DMNetworking library gives you fastest way to get parsed data converted to LiveData.
  • You can get response as an Object as well without LiveData.
  • If you want to do your own parsing you can do it as well using JSONObject response.
  • Error handling is easier than you think, all you have to do just create a class and DMNetworking will give your parsed error Object as a response.
  • If you want to hande error response by yourself you can do it by using error JSONObject response.
  • You can set request parameters as HashMap or as JSONObject
  • If you have nested or multi level JSONResponse you can set your path to parse exactly onto object. You don't need to create a lot of class at all. Create only one class for parsing object
  • Custom status handling: Sometimes all response has status code 200 and all logic using custom statuses. DMNetworking gives you a way to handle this as well.
  • If there is no internet connection before and during the request DMNetworking can tell you about this. You don't need to write code for checking is there an internet do a request or something else. If you want load your data from database if there is no internet connection you can do it using no internet connection listener.
  • You can set your logic before making a request, for example remove headers before making a request.
  • You can upload and download file in a simple way.
  • During the upload and download you can get realtime updates by percentage. It can help you to show progress directly.
  • Automatically updating the token(API token or JWT token)
  • If all your requests shoud send same params you can set it up as well. For example deviceType=android or deviceType=ios
  • Easily set headers and remove headers
  • Set fake JSON and test it before real JSON will be available from server side (Add json on assets folder)
  • Cancell request by tag
  • Cancell all request

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  1. Create your networking class it should be extended from DMBaseRequest

     public class ExampleNetworking extends DMBaseRequest {
         private static ExampleNetworking ourInstance;
         private ExampleNetworking() {
         public static ExampleNetworking getInstance() {
             if (ourInstance == null) {
                 ourInstance = new ExampleNetworking();
             return ourInstance;
         protected void handleStatuses(final Context context, final int statusCode, final JSONObject jsonObject, final DMIStatusHandleListener listener) {
             try {
                 String status = "";
                 if (jsonObject != null) {
                     status = jsonObject.getString("status");
                 switch (status) {
                     case "INVALID_DATA":
                         listener.onError(status, jsonObject);
                     case "REFRESH_TOKEN":
                         listener.onComplete(status, jsonObject);
             } catch (JSONException e) {
                 listener.onError(e.getMessage(), jsonObject);
         protected boolean isNeedToMakeRequest(final Context context, final DMINetworkListener listener) {
             return super.isNeedToMakeRequest(context, listener);
         protected void beforeRequest(final Context context, final DMRequestListener listener) {
     	super.beforeRequest(context, listener);
         protected int getRequestTimeOut() {
             return 20000;
         protected String getFullUrl(final String methodUrl) {
     //        final String fullUrl = "BASE_URL" + "/api/" + methodUrl + "?deviceType=android&applicationId=123&applicationVersion=123&deviceScale=3x";
             final String fullUrl = methodUrl;
             if (true) {     // isUserLoggedIn
                 return fullUrl + "&jwt=" + "DLDHNRGSKCHNDKKD";          //token
             return fullUrl;
         public String getTagForLogger() {
             return "API";
         public boolean isEnableLogger() {
             return true;
         public DMBaseTokenHandler onTokenRefresh() {
             return new DMBaseTokenHandler("refreshUrl") {
                 protected void onTokenRefreshed(final Context context, final JSONObject jsonObject) {
                     //save token in preference
                 protected void onTokenRefreshFailure(final Context context, final JSONObject jsonObject) {
                 protected void onNoInternetConnection(final Context context) {

Overeide Method description

Set your request timeout in milliseconds

protected int getRequestTimeOut() {
    return 20000;

You can set it your own logic when do request. If you do not have custom cases you can let it default.

    protected boolean isNeedToMakeRequest(final Context context, final DMINetworkListener listener) {
        return super.isNeedToMakeRequest(context, listener);

Do something before making a request @Override protected void beforeRequest(final Context context, final DMRequestListener listener) { super.beforeRequest(context, listener); }

You can enable/disable logger and set your own tag. You can change your logger string by calling setRequestTag("your-tag") from configs

    public String getTagForLogger() {
        return "API";

    public boolean isEnableLogger() {
        return true;

Handle your status in handleStatuses method: Here you can find custom handling example:

    protected void handleStatuses(final Context context, final int statusCode, final JSONObject jsonObject, final DMIStatusHandleListener listener) {
        try {
            String status = "";
            if (jsonObject != null) {
                status = jsonObject.getString("status");
            switch (status) {
                case "INVALID_DATA":
                    listener.onError(status, jsonObject);
                case "REFRESH_TOKEN":
                    listener.onComplete(status, jsonObject);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            listener.onError(e.getMessage(), jsonObject);

Build your own URL: You can set some GET params to send with every request

protected String getFullUrl(final String url) {

    final String fullUrl = "BASE_URL" + "/api/" + url + "?deviceType=android&applicationId=123&applicationVersion=123&deviceScale=3x";

    return fullUrl;

If you want to use default url building just return the url:

    protected String getFullUrl(final String url) {	
        return url;

if you're setting url from configs setUrl("your-url") than DMNetworking will call getFullUrl() and it will build your request url.

If you're setting setFullUrl("your-url") than DMNetworking NOT calling getFullUrl(). It gives you chance to set you're own url if you want.

Setup configs

For example if we have this json response

	  	"status": "OK",
  		"data": {
    	"first_name": "John";
    	"last_name": "Smith";

and we want to parse it, we have to create User class

public class User {

private String first_name;
private String last_name;
private int id;

public String getFirst_name() {
    return first_name;

public String getLast_name() {
    return last_name;

public int getId() {
    return id;


and call setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data"))

Notice that we passing 'data' as params. If you have nested or multi-level JSONResponse you can set array value like shown below:

setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data", "user", "value"))

As you see you don't need to change or create any class to parse nested JSON data. DMNetworking automatically detecting JSONObject type and parsing it on User.class object if you set to right path DMParserConfigs.

Note: DMNetworking's parsing automitacally detecting json response(you have to set right path for parsing) is it JSONObject or JSONArray and give you back the result

Same behaviour goes to on Error handling. The only difference is you have set configs by calling

setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class, "error","data"));

Now we can see more detailed examples in below:

Making a GET request

final String url = "your-url";
final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
                .setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data"))
                .setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class));

//set configs to requester class	                
final DMLiveDataBag<User, RequestError> request = ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config);

Making a POST request with params

final String url = "your-url";
 final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("id", "1");
    params.put("name", "John Smith");
 final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
            .setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data"))
            .setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class));
            //set configs to requester class	                
ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config, new DMINetworkListener<User, RequestError>() {});

Making a POST request with JSON body

final JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        try {
            jsonObject.put("id", "1");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
         final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
            .setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data","obj"))
            .setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class));
      //set configs to requester class	                
final DMLiveDataBag<User, RequestError> request = ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config);

Making a Multipart request with other params

	File file = new File("file_path);
	final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
	params.put("imageName", "hello_image_file");
	params.put("image", file);
final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
                .setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data"))
                .setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class));
final DMLiveDataBag<User, RequestError> request = ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config);

Download file and see progress of downloading

final String imageUrl = "file-url";

 final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
 ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config, new DMINetworkListener<User, RequestError>() {
        public void onFileProgress(final FileProgress fileProgress) {

If you're using LiveData you can see how to handle the responses.

Full example of making a request and get responses.

final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
                .setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data"))
                .setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class))

final DMLiveDataBag<User, RequestError> request = ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config);

    request.getSuccessT().observe(this, userSuccessT -> {


    request.getSuccessJsonResponse().observe(this, jsonObject1 -> {


    request.getSuccessListT().observe(this, userSuccessListT -> {


    request.getSuccessResponse().observe(this, successResponse -> {


    request.getErrorE().observe(this, requestErrorErrorE -> {


    request.getErrorJsonResponse().observe(this, jsonObject12 -> {


    request.getErrorResponse().observe(this, errorResponse -> {


    request.getNoInternetConnection().observe(this, s -> {


    request.getSuccessFile().observe(this, file -> {


    request.getFileProgress().observe(this, fileProgress -> {


If you do not want get results in LiveData you can get it on a simple way as shown below:

Full example of making a request and get responses.

 final Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>();

final DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError> config = new DMBaseRequestConfig<User, RequestError>(getApplicationContext())
                .setParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(User.class, "data"))
                .setErrorParserConfigs(new DMParserConfigs<>(RequestError.class));
                   ExampleNetworking.getInstance().request(config, new DMINetworkListener<User, RequestError>() {

        public void onComplete(final int statusCode, final String status, final JSONObject response) {


        public void onComplete(final int statusCode, final String status, final User user) {


        public void onComplete(final int statusCode, final String status, final List<User> userList) {


        public void onComplete(final int statusCode, final JSONObject response) {


        public void onError(final int statusCode, final String status, final JSONObject response) {


        public void onError(final int statusCode, final String status, final RequestError error) {


        public void onError(final int statusCode, final JSONObject response) {


        public void onNoInternetConnection() {


Fake json usage

To enable testing with fake json you have to do following steps Override getFakeJsonFilePath method and give your url load JSON from assets if server-side JSON not available If your internet not available you can simple change isNeedToMakeRequest to return true and DMNetworking will get JSON from assets if it exist on assets folder

	    public String getFakeJsonFilePath(final String url) {
		switch (url) {
	            case "get_profile":
	                return "get_profile.json";
	            case "get_product":
	                return "get_product.json";
	            case "get_user":
	                return "user/get_user.json"; // when assets file is on user's folder
			return null;

Easy debugging

Enable fake json by calling

	   public boolean isEnableFakeJson() {
	       return true;

Than Ovverride this method and see requesting url, response, response type

	    public void onSuccessOrFailureResponseForDebug(final String url, final JSONObject jsonObject, final ResponseType responseType) {



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