I'm a Full Stack Web Developer from California. I've been programming and hacking things since the days of 386 computers. I am passionate about Progressive Web Apps (Vue and React), Koa2, Python, Numpy/Pandas, Coffee, Neural Nets, S.E.O, Web Performance, Robotics and Automation. When I'm not developing and building things, I'm likely reading or working in the garden.
- Minolta Rokkor-X
- Telemetry Log to CSV
- Hands on with the Amazon DeepLens
- More Git Fun For Compiled Code
- Git Deploy For The Win
- Small Business Administration's Disaster Lending Platform🚌🌪️💸
- Naturally North Bay🥦🍇🌊
- Pharmpak💊
- Bubbies🥬
- Cesco Magnetics 🧲
- Opperman & Son🚛
- Weinstein Security👮
- Katalina Holding Company
✈️ - Spoiled to Perfecton🥒
- Instagram 😎
- Website 😏🔗
- Stack Overflow 🤓💻