I am a Software Engineer from South Africa 🇿🇦, originally from a Mechatronics Engineering background. I enjoy learning about computer science, mathematics, systems engineering, and like building stuff. Welcome to my GitHub 😊.
- 💻 Full-Stack Developer: I have experience building web, mobile and browser applications and various types of backend services.
- 🛠 DevOps Practitioner: I have experience with deploying applications/services on virtual machines, managed app engines and setting up reliable CI/CD pipelines.
- 🤓 Research Interests: computational and complexity theory, mathematics, distributed systems, protocol engineering and cryptography.
- 🧪 Building Interests: I am currently working towards building tooling and services within the Ethereum ecosystem.
Gastly is a live service I have made to deliver real-time gas prices and fee information about the Ethereum network. There are currently 2 types of clients available: i) Browser Extension Client (available on Chromium and Firefox browsers), ii) Web Client gastly.tools
- Gastly has received funding via quadratic funding initiatives set up by Gitcoin.
- A knowledge base is currently being worked on to educate newcomers to concepts about Ethereum transactions and how congestion management works in a permissionless network (concepts around algorithmic guarantees of 'social optimality').
⚙️ A Comprehensive Guide to RLP Encoding in Ethereum
A blog post diving into data serialisation methods utilised by Ethereum execution clients with verbose examples
Programming Languages
Cloud Platforms Experience
Other Development Tools
UI Design/Prototyping