This is one of the version fork on williamfzc/chat-gpt-ppt, improved by @manesec.
- Update new version of ChatGPT, the new version of chatgpt can be faster without a browser! Thanks for @acheong08.
- More info message.
sudo pip3 install chat_gpt_ppt
git clone
cd better-chat-gpt-ppt
sudo python3 install -f
# install marp
wget -O /tmp/marp.tar.gz
cd /tmp
tar -xf /tmp/marp.tar.gz
sudo mv /tmp/marp /bin/marp
cd -
Recommand to use .pdf
to output.
A lazy way to install google chrome faster.
If you like to output *.pptx
sudo dpkg -i google*.deb
sudo apt --fix-broken install -y
sudo dpkg -i google*.deb
# With html output
cgp token.txt topic.txt -m /bin/marp -o output.html
# With pdf output (recommand)
cgp token.txt topic.txt -m /bin/marp -o output.pdf
# With pptx output
cgp token.txt topic.txt -m /bin/marp -o output.pptx
use ChatGPT to generate PPT automatically
[2023-01-13] williamfzc#2 OpenAI's services are not available in my country.
[2022-12-06] Currently ChatGPT has no official API. I am waiting for it to make this repo a real production.
Some topics for presentation named topics.txt
what's OpenAI?
how OpenAI works?
what is the future of OpenAI?
Easily generate a simple ppt in seconds:
cgp token.txt topics.txt
And you get a slice:
[ INFO ] Converting 1 markdown...
[ INFO ] C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpt202812s => output.html
2022-12-05 16:08:24.154 | INFO | cgp:main:82 - result saved to output.html
And multi languages:
pip3 install chat_gpt_ppt
Currently we use marp as our ppt renderer. You can easily download it via the link above.
cgp token.txt data.txt --marp_exe /your/marp/exe/path
This is a toy project. Feel free to hack. Only < 100 lines python code.