Development of this module stopped! All ideas and solutions will be transferred into py-zabbix. py-zabbix is much more powerful project, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
Connection settings
from ZabbixSender import ZabbixSender, ZabbixPacket
server = ZabbixSender('', 10051)
Create a package and add the metric values. In the first example with the current time, the second specified in unixtime format.
packet = ZabbixPacket()
packet.add('myhost','key', 'value')
packet.add('myhost2', 'other_key', 'value2', 1455607162)
Now we send our package in Zabbix Server
And see the delivery status
{'info': 'processed: 2; failed: 0; total: 4; seconds spent: 0.207659', 'response': 'success'}