Software created to work as a personal assistant. Through this, anyone can ask for help and it helps just like a regular assistant helps a person. Inspire from Siri, GoogleAssistant.
For calculating any Arithmetic Problem , use 'calculate' or 'c' or 'cal' and a '='.
Ex: c= (50*20)*3
For save something into the assistant use 'remember' or 'r' or 'rb' and a '='.
Ex: rb= my name is Smart Assistant
For forget what you saved use 'foget remember' or 'forget all' or 'fr'.
Use any kind of question.
Ex: can you sing? what is your name?
search any kind of word that you want to know about.
you can ask current time and date.
you can control sound by using sound button.
you can open music player with a simple command "open music player" or "mp3" or "omp". And control music using "play","pause","stop","close" commands.
you can open Gallary with a simple command "open gallary" or "og" or "open g" or "gallary". And change image using "next","previous","close" commands.
Assistant will help with any unrecognaizable command with google search.