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Hi there 👋

I'm a full-stack web engineer.

I feel happy when coding.

My current interests: PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, Angular, Python, Golang, Mathematics and Physics.

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Angular and Golang.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on somewhere.

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Languages and Tools

html5 css3 php javascript python golang jQuery vuejs TypeScript React Angular nodejs npm npm Laravel Flask Django Wordpress Tailwind CSS Vuetify Jest git VsCode Vim mysql MariaDB PostgreSQL MongoDB docker bash Linux Ubuntu AWS GitHub


An additional file selector prompt for your laravel/prompts applications.

File Selector Prompt provides assistance in entering file paths quickly and accurately in interactive mode.


This feature has been included into Community Prompts.

A simple library to get and format GPS data from a photo.

a standalone library to use the Illuminate\Validation package outside the Laravel framework.

use Macocci7\PurephpValidation\Rules\Instance;

$validator = Validator::make(
    data: $data,
    rules: [
        'prop1' => Instance::of(Instance::class),
        'prop2' => Instance::of([
            // Macocci7\PurephpValidation\Rules\Instance
            // Macocci7\PurephpValidation\ValidatorFactory
            // Closure
            (fn () => true)::class,
        'prop3' => Instance::of('Closure'),

A PHP Library to plot graphs and figures on a xy(-two-dimensional)-plane.

You can draw figures freely on the canvas, such as: Pixels, Lines, Boxes, Circles, Ellipses, Polygons and Bezier Curves. You can also put Text or Fill the canvas with a specific color. You can save the Canvas to a file.

You can put figures within the Plotarea by just specifying the coordinates on the xy-plane without having to consider the pixel coordinates on the image. Transformer automatically maps the coordinates on the xy-plane to pixel coordinates on the image. Plotarea is automatically placed on the Canvas. You can adjust the position and the size of Plotarea on the Canvas.

You can use only Transformer separately from Canvas and Plotarea.

use Macocci7\PhpPlotter2d\Transformer;

$transformer = new Transformer(
    viewport: ['x' => [-1, 4], 'y' => [-2, 3]],
    plotarea: [
        'width' => 400,
        'height' => 400,

$points = $transformer->getCoords([
    [-0.5, -1.2],
    [1.3, 0.6],
    [3.4, 2.8],

You can also draw a full size beautiful graph.

See more my works at: my public repositories

A simple toy-like calculator on your browser.

A demo project.

Demo Page


Gist Card

Gist Card

Gist Card

Gist Card

Gist Card

Gist Card


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