I'm a software engineer with over 14 years of experience in tech, project coordination, and business development.
Feel free to connect on LinkedIn — I'd love to chat!
2021.03 – Present
Academic research management web application (JavaScript, Svelte)
- Defined essential product features through consultations with domain experts
- Researched and selected an optimal technology stack for efficient product development
- Established a prioritized backlog to manage feature and issue delivery effectively
- Implemented secure user authentication and data storage using a BaaS solution
- Leveraged Netlify serverless functions to protect API keys
- Compressed and sanitized large data inputs for performance and safety
- Managed local data with localStorage and IndexedDB for offline support
- Ensured cross-device compatibility with responsive design for complex layouts
- Conducted exploratory and UX testing for a user-friendly and bug-free experience
2024.09 – Present
Web application (TypeScript, React) using the Spotify Web API for music library management
- Managed project requirements and acceptance criteria with GitHub Projects, Issues, and PRs
- Applied TDD methodology using Vitest and Testing Library for reliable code
- Implemented OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE to securely handle Spotify API authentication
- Used Web Crypto, Web Storage, URL, and Fetch APIs to facilitate server communication
- Utilized React hooks to manage state, refs, and data fetching effectively
- Maintained type safety and code quality with TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier
- Employed Tailwind CSS for streamlined and maintainable styling
2024.09 – Present
TypeScript and React project starter designed for scalable and maintainable web app development
- Configured static analysis with TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier
- Implemented testing suite with Vitest, Testing Library, and Mock Service Worker
- Integrated Tailwind CSS for streamlined styling
- Set up an efficient build process with Vite and PostCSS
2024.02 – Present
Comprehensive Markdown-based notebooks covering advanced research on React, TypeScript, JavaScript, and more
Landing page for an academic research management software
- Created an engaging design with gently animated backgrounds
- Optimized for cross-device compatibility and responsive design
- Implemented form processing using a BaaS solution
- Crafted targeted marketing messages to attract intended users
Landing page for an AI agent application
- Created a clean, minimalist design with parallax scrolling and animated text
- Ensured cross-device compatibility with responsive design
- Used semantic HTML for accessibility and SEO
- Implemented form processing using a BaaS solution
- Synthesized team input into cohesive marketing messaging