David Lucas
[email protected]
Have you wished Java program would run faster? Maybe you were seeking a JVM based scripting language to perform as great as Java ? Wouldn't it be cool if you could transpile your polyglot language to native binary? Then you might have just found the holy grail. Wait the spelling is misleading, but the results are not, introducing GraalVM. This is a universal virtual machine that can take any JVM language and convert it to a faster bytecode embedded in the JVM, or compile via LLVM to a native application. Examples will include Java, JavaScript, and Kotlin. The attendee will leave this session understanding how to get started optimizing their Java applications as well as how any JVM based scripting language can gain native speeds.
├── etc # scripts and extra files
├── examples # demo stuff
├── slides # lecture
└── tmp # downloads / git repos are extracted