This framework is designed to solve the traditional MVP class and interface too much, and Presenter and View communicate too complicated through the interface, reuse Presenter too much cost
Master branch is a simple framework without network layer, mainly through the four Demo introduced the framework of the ideas, features and use of methods, compact and flexible has a set of existing framework but need to refactor For MVP structure of the project, but no matter which branch you are using is strongly recommended that you first look at Master branch Demo
Complete branch is a complete framework with a network layer, Retrofit as a network layer and use Dagger2 to manage all objects, mature and powerful for new projects
This framework is a lightweight framework, more suitable for small and medium-sized projects, large-scale projects please use MVPArms
Traditional MVP corresponds to a Presenter, and most Presenter has only one or two methods, which leads to the existence of a large number of very few tags Presenter, this framework is designed to solve the reuse Presenter need to achieve too many redundant interface method, encourage developers to write similar logic in a Presenter, constantly reuse Presenter, reduce a large number of class files
Of course, many different logic is written in a Presenter, although you can write a lot of classes, but behind the expansion is certainly not good, so the size of their own control, but for the outsourcing project is very useful
compile 'me.jessyan:art:2.4.1' //rxjava2
compile 'me.jessyan:art:1.4.3' //rxjava1(Not maintained)
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