##About By Long Zheng / @longzheng
Xamarin for Android project. Melbourne public transport timetable on Google Glass.
- List next departures from nearby train/tram/bus stops (via "trams nearby" voice command)
- List next departures for trains at specified City stops (via "trains departing, Southern Cross" voice command)
##Download binary Download an APK to sideload to Google Glass via ADB.
##Source compile You must supply your own PTV Timetable API developer ID and security key (free) from PTV. See API documentation for instructions to get a key.
Put your key in \PTVGlass\Services\PtvApi.cs
public class PtvApi
string ptvDevId = "";
string ptvDevKey = "";
- Public Transport Victoria API
- Steve Bennett unofficial PTV API documentation
- Leon Gouletsas provided additional transport data
- Chris Hardy @ Xamarin
- C# tech support by David Golden and Rafael Rivera