libvibrant is in maintenance-only right now, as it's rather feature-complete. As I (@Scrumplex) have switched to Wayland for some time now, I can't and won't work on this library anymore. An effort for Wayland is planned in the future, though it will take some time until this can be implemented in a compositor-agnostic way.
A simple library to adjust color saturation of X11 outputs.
vibrant, with it's library libvibrant and it's command-line tool vibrant-cli, allows you to adjust the color saturation on X11 outputs, as long as the CTM property is supported.
$ vibrant-cli OUTPUT [SATURATION]
Get or set saturation of output.
is the name of the X11 output. You can find this by running xrandr
is a floating point value between (including) 0.0 and (including) 4.0.
means monochrome1.0
is normal color saturation (100%)- if empty the saturation will not be changed
$ vibrant-cli DisplayPort-0 1.5
$ vibrant-cli DisplayPort-0 0
$ vibrant-cli DisplayPort-0 1
$ vibrant-cli DisplayPort-0
Check the wiki:
vibrant is available on the Arch Linux User Repository.
- vibrantAUR - Latest release of the vibrant library and vibrant-cli
- vibrant-gitAUR - Latest revision from Git master of the vibrant library and vibrant-cli
See Bulding
This project uses CMake.
- libX11
- libXrandr (possibly bundled with libX11)
- libXNVCtrl (possibly bundled with nvidia-settings)
$ cd <project directory>
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
The binary will be called vibrant-cli
and will be linked to
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3.0. You can read the full license text in LICENSE.
Additionally this project is based on color-demo-app written by Leo (Sunpeng) Li [email protected], licensed under the terms of the MIT license. You can read it's full license text in NOTICE