I was curious if Tado measures temperature correctly (hint: it does). On other hand, it won't be shocking if they use the same sensor as mine - DS18B20. Use of Raspberry Pi for reading temparature is almost crimianlly underuse of the hardware. Not to mention horribly over-engineered setup (resin, etc). But I wanted to see how the whole setup (node.js + resin.io + InfluxDB + Chronograf + containers all over the place) will work. And admit it, talking to real hardware from node.js is impressive.
- Code uses https://github.com/chamerling/ds18b20 with full precision patch by colinrgodsey. Unfortunately pull request chamerling/ds18b20#11 did not make it to the official package, hence I had to copy the file.
- resin.io setup is based on https://github.com/shaunmulligan/firebaseDTL
By default resin.io image does not support 1-Wire. You can also test that in a console:
ls /sys/bus/w1/devices
should return something if 1-Wire support has been enabled.
To add support for 1-Wire, edit config.txt and add: dtoverlay=w1-gpio
See https://docs.resin.io/hardware/i2c-and-spi/#1-wire-and-digital-temperature-sensors for details.