Source Code and Datasets for "Datasets, Tasks, and Training Methods for Benchmarking Large-scale Hypergraph Learning."
- Title: Datasets, Tasks, and Training Methods for Benchmarking Large-scale Hypergraph Learning.
- Authors: Sunwoo Kim, Dongjin Lee, Yul Kim, Jungho Lee, Taeho Hwang, and Kijung Shin.
- Venue: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2023. (+ Journal Track of ECML-PKDD 2023)
We provide hypergraph datasets at the below links:
- Static and Temporal (Unzip):
- Static (Zip):
We provide
- Each dataset's feature, node label, original hyperedge information, split hyperedge information (for task 1)
- Each dataset's partitioned hypergraph (# of Partition
$|P|$ / DBLP:4, Trivago:32, OGBN_MAG:128, AMINER and MAG: 256) - For DBLP, Trivago, OGBN_MAG, we also provide partitioned hypergraph P-IOS partition.
Refer to README_DATA.txt file for more details regarding datasets.
In this repository, we provide source codes for
- Obtaining performance on proposed task 1 (hyperedge disambiguation)
- Obtaining performance on proposed task 2 (local clustering)
For dataset one aims to run the code, files of the corresponding dataset in the above links should be located in scr/data folder. For example
|_ data
|_ aminer
|_ ...
We provide a hyperparameter combination for the reproducibility of experimental results.
Refer to the best_hyperparameter directory, where we saved each dataset-model combination's best hyperparameter as .json files.
One can simply run code with codes in src folder as follows;
For task 1 (hyperedge disambiguation)
python experiment1 -data "data" -model "learning-method" -device "GPU-device" -lr 0.001 -seed 0
For task 2 (local clustering)
python experiment2 -data "data" -model "learning-method" -device "GPU-device" -lr 0.001 -seed 0
For contrastive learning, additional arguments can be given as
python experiment1 -data "data" -model "learning-method" -device "GPU-device" -lr 0.001 -seed 0 -n_neg 1 -d_rate 0.3 -ep 25
Arguments are
- -data : Dataset one wants to perform experiments. (Possible Options: "dblp", "trivago", "ogbn_mag", "aminer", "mag")
- -model : Training Method one wants to perform experiments. (Possible Options: "mlp", "full_ssl", "full_cl", "part_ssl", "HCL", "HCL_PINS", "HCL_PIOS")
- -device : GPU machine (e.g. "cuda:0")
- -lr : Learning rate for method. (float / e.g. 0.001)
- -n_neg : Applicable to CL methods. Number of negative samples used for CL training. (int / e.g. 2)
- -d_rate : Applicable to CL methods. Feature & Incidence matrix dropping probability. (float / e.g. 0.3)
- -ep : Applicable to CL methods. Contrastive encoder's checkpoint for contrastive training. (int / e.g. 25)
- -seed : Dataset & model initialization seed. (int / e.g. 0)