- The basic goal is to make a simple calculator.
- If we have more time or ideas, we might try to add more complicated functions.
- Helps students calculate conveniently and quickly.
#Target Group
- Everyone (Especially business teachers and students)
#Task List
- [X] Set up README
- [X] Set up task list
- [X] Find related repository
- [X] Clone repository into team
- [X] Ensure repository is public
- [X] Assign an open source license
- [X] Make sure team members have access to repository
- [] Evaluate related repository
- [X] Test repository and get it running
- [] Document how to work repository
- [] Document issues encounted
#Current Functionalities
- Numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
MIT License
- https://github.com/bchewy/Calculator-Python
- https://github.com/ThomasTaylorJr/Python-Tkinter-Calculator