This repo is just a bunch of NixOS modules, so you can pick or override anything.
- CI with flakes and Cachix
- Multiple hosts, each host can contain multiple users
- All hosts connected with wireguard
and mosh with polybar indication for host- Terminus and NerdFonts
- Brutal Doom, Quake, Steam
- battery optimisation for laptops
- picard, mpd, ncmpcpp, mpdscribble
- mpv, imv
- live-usb
- tealdeer aliased to h
- Tiling with leftwm, polybar, dunst and tmux
- fish, direnv, alacritty, ripgrep, rsync, fzf, zoxide, delta, bat, exa
- Neovim with LSP and TS
- fuzzy search by apps
, emojismod + z
and clipboard historymod + c
wih rofi - copy color of pixel under mouse cursor to clipboard with
mod + k
to capture region,mod + PrtScn
to capture fullscreen, record desktop videos withvokoscreen
- encrypted root with LUKS2
- EdDSA for ssh and gpg keys
- gopass / browserpass integration
- uBlock
- nekoray