Pingcloud-cli is CLI application to check latency and http trace from AWS, GCP and Azure regions.
This is a personal toy project.
Inspired by GCPing, httpstat-1 and AzureSpeed.
- Send HTTP(S) request to regions of AWS, GCP and Azure. Calculate and report response time.
- Print httpstat of region(s).
- List region code and region name of AWS, GCP and Azure.
Thank you for using pingcloud-cli.
pingcloud-cli is command line tools to check latency and http trace from AWS, GCP and Azure regions.
You can download codes from
Any feedback is welcome. (And stars..)
pingcloud-cli [command]
Available Commands:
aws Check latencies of AWS regions.
azure Check latencies of Azure regions.
gcp Check latencies of GCP regions.
help Help about any command
version Print version of pingcloud-cli
-h, --help help for pingcloud-cli
Use "pingcloud-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- GO installed.
- $GOPATH and $GOBIN are properly set.
- Run
git clone
- Run
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
- Run
go build -v
- Run
go install
pingcloud-cli gcp
Ping all GCP regions
pingcloud-cli gcp [region code]
Print httpstat of specific regions. You can append multiple region codes to the end of command. (Seperate each region with space)
pingcloud-cli aws
Ping all AWS regions
pingcloud-cli aws [region code]
Print httpstat of specific regions. You can append multiple region codes to the end of command. (Seperate each region with space)
pingcloud-cli azure
Ping all Azure regions
pingcloud-cli azure [region code]
Print httpstat of specific regions. You can append multiple region codes to the end of command. (Seperate each region with space)
-l or --list
List all region codes and region names of the cloud provider. Add -l or --list flag after command.
Instances for latency test are not maintained by me.
Endpoints for AWS are from EC2 Reachability Test.
For GCP, GCP ping
And for Azure, AzureSpeed.
Endpoints from Azure have domain name and uses https but AWS, GCP endpoints are static and use http.
So latencies from Azure are relatively high compare to AWS and GCP because it needs domain loockup and tls handshaking.
Changed Azure test endpoints https -> http.
No more TLS handshaking time.