This repository contains the files necessary for IMC's website,
IMC is a community-based urban meditation center for the practice of Vipassana or Insight meditation. We are a non-residential center in Redwood City, California, dedicated to the study and practice of Buddhist teachings.
We welcome anybody who would like to contribute. We use Github's Pull Request Model to manage contributions. When you have something you would like to contribute, just open a pull request and we'll work on getting it integrated.
Great question!
- Fork this repository.
- In your command line, type
vagrant up
- Note: Vagrant must be installed. If it's not installed, please do the following:
- Install VirtualBox. VirtualBox is needed by Vagrant.
- Install Vagrant. Vagrant makes getting a development environment up and running much easier.
- Go to http://localhost:8080/wordpress/ in your browser. You should see the IMC website.