Opinionated Lume + Tailwind CSS template for new projects.
- Go to or create the project folder.
- Get the template files:
npx degit github:joaopalmeiro/template-lume-tailwind
npx degit github:joaopalmeiro/template-lume-tailwind --force
- Search for
and replace it with the project name. Ignore the template repository URL in the NOTES.md file. - Search for
Opinionated Lume + Tailwind CSS template for new projects./Opinionated [Lume](https://lume.land/) + [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) template for new projects.
and replace it with the (short) project description. - Search for
João Palmeiro
and replace it with the author's name. - Delete the TEMPLATE.md file.
- Delete the
Getting Started
Install vfox (if necessary).
vfox add deno
vfox install --all
vfox current
deno task serve
deno task format
deno lint
npx [email protected] login
npx [email protected] whoami
npx [email protected] pages project create template-lume-tailwind
deno task build
npx [email protected] pages deploy _site --project-name=template-lume-tailwind