Showdowns is a lib that make markdown to html with some extensions of showdown.js. Click the link to preview the showdowns features.
Showdowns Markdown Syntax, refer to the document -- Showdown's Markdown Syntax.
In browser environment, it is implemented to dynamically load js lib files related to more showdown diagrams extension for using showdowns >= 0.3.0 version.
In codeblock of markdown, expanded syntax language attribute from "```language" to "```language {json}" or "```language [json]".
The common "align" field value of json is "left" or "center" or "right" in syntax language attribute, and it is empty means "left" align.
The common "codeblock" field value of json is "true" or "false" in syntax language attribute, and it is empty means "false". It is "true" means the codeblock is forced to display as normal code block, otherwise the codeblock is tried to parse as corresponding diagrams.
For example, see following Network Sequence example.
The following features are extended based on the showdown's table:
- Cell spans over columns
- Cell spans over rows (optional)
- Omitted table header (optional)
Showdown's table
cell style syntax has "-{2,}",":-{2,}",":-{2,}:","-{2,}:", means default (align left), align left, align center, and align right style
| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC |
| ----------- | :-----: | :----- | ---------: |
| OK | int | 1 | Succeeded |
| ERROR | int | 0 | Failed '\|' |
Return Code | Style | Value | DESC |
OK | int | 1 | Succeeded |
ERROR | int | 0 | Failed |
- Colspan table
"||" indicates cells being merged left.
| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC |
| ====== | :-----: | ===== | ===== |
| **OK** | int | 1 | [Succeeded]( |
| ERROR | int | 0 ||
| ERROR || 0 ||
| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC | | ====== | :-----: | ===== | ===== | | OK | int | 1 | Succeeded | | ERROR | int | 0 || | ERROR || 0 ||
- Rowspan table (optional: tablesRowspan)
"^^" indicates cells being merged above.
| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC |
| ====== | :-----: | ===== | ===== |
| ^^ || 1 | [Succeeded]( |
| ^^ || 0 ||
| ERROR | int | 0 ||
| ERROR || 0 ||
| ^^ || 0 ||
| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC | | ====== | :-----: | ===== | ===== | | ^^ || 1 | Succeeded | | ^^ || 0 || | ERROR | int | 0 || | ERROR || 0 || | ^^ || 0 ||
- Headerless table (optional: tablesHeaderless)
Table header can be eliminated.
|♜| |♝|♛|♚|♝|♞|♜|
| |♟|♟|♟| |♟|♟|♟|
|♟| |♞| | | | | |
| |♗| | |♟| | | |
| | | | |♙| | | |
| | | | | |♘| | |
|♙|♙|♙|♙| |♙|♙|♙|
|♖|♘|♗|♕|♔| | |♖|
|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| |♜| |♝|♛|♚|♝|♞|♜| | |♟|♟|♟| |♟|♟|♟| |♟| |♞| | | | | | | |♗| | |♟| | | | | | | | |♙| | | | | | | | | |♘| | | |♙|♙|♙|♙| |♙|♙|♙| |♖|♘|♗|♕|♔| | |♖|
It's implemented sub-TOC in showdown-toc.js.
It's implemented in showdown-footnotes.js, use for reference the showdown-footnotes.
[^1]: The explanation.
[^1]: The explanation.
It's implemented in showdown-container.js, allows you to create block level containers. By default, The CSS effect with class name tip|info|warning|error|success|alert-tip|alert-info|alert-warning|alert-error|alert-success is implemented. And you can also customize the class name.
::: <classname | parentclass-childclass> <title content>
*Some text*
Which will be rendered as:
<div class="showdown-container [container classname | parentclass parentclass-childclass]">
<p class="container-title">title content</p>
<em>Some text</em>
::: tip A simple tip text! :::
::: tip Tip! A simple tip text! :::
::: info Info! A simple info text! :::
::: warning Warning! A simple warning text! :::
::: error Error! A simple error text! :::
::: success Success! A simple success text! :::
::: alert-tip A simple tip alert text! :::
::: alert-tip Alert Tip! A simple tip alert text! :::
::: alert-info Alert Info! A simple info alert text! :::
::: alert-warning Alert Warning! A simple warning alert text! :::
::: alert-error Alert Error! A simple error alert text! :::
::: alert-success Alert Success! A simple success alert text! :::
::: alert-success-tip Alert Success Tip!
<style>.alert-success-tip:after {content: '\00a0';width: 0;height: 0;display: block;border-style: solid;border-width: 15px;border-color: #f3961c transparent transparent transparent;position: absolute;z-index: -1;bottom: -30px;left: 50px;}</style>A simple success alert text! :::
It's supported by showdown-katex, that render LaTeX math and AsciiMath using KaTeX, You can check KaTeX supported functions/symbols.
AsciiMath syntax:
Block multiple math
Multiple math are separated by an empty line.
```asciimath {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false} <code content> ```
Inline math
is delimiters of inline ascii math\\~...\\~
is delimiters of inline block ascii math
LaTex syntax:
Block multiple latex
Multiple math are separated by an empty line.
```latex {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false} <code content> ```
Inline latex
is delimiters of inline latex math\\[...\\]
is delimiters of inline block latex math$$...$$
is delimiters of inline block latex math
x=\frac{ -b\pm\sqrt{ b^2-4ac } } {2a}
x=\frac{ -b\pm\sqrt{ b^2-4ac } } {2a}
x=\frac{ -b\pm\sqrt{ b^2-4ac } } {2a}
x=\frac{ -b\pm\sqrt{ b^2-4ac } } {2a}
- \(\sqrt{ b^2-4ac }\) is inline latex math
- \[\sqrt{ b^2-4ac }\] is inline latex block math
$$\sqrt{ b^2-4ac }$$ is inline latex block math
Internal heat energy:
delta Q = rho \ c \u
delta Q = rho \ c \u
delta Q = rho \ c \u
delta Q = rho \ c \u
- @@delta Q@@ is the internal heat energy per unit volume \$(J * m^-3)\$
It's implemented in showdown-mermaid.js, render diagrams of Flowchart or Sequence or Gantt using mermaid, check mermaid doc for more information.
Flowchart syntax:
```mermaid {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false} graph TD; <code content> ```
Sequence diagram syntax:
```mermaid {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false} sequenceDiagram <code content> ```
Gantt diagram syntax:
```mermaid {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false} gantt <code content> ```
graph TD;
graph TD;
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail!
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
It's implemented in showdown-plantuml.js. render diagrams of uml using plantuml. To know more about PlantUML, please visit plantuml website.
```plantuml {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false}
<code content>
participant User
User -> A: DoWork
activate A
A -> B: << createRequest >>
activate B
B -> C: DoWork
activate C
C --> B: WorkDone
destroy C
B --> A: RequestCreated
deactivate B
A -> User: Done
deactivate A
It's implemented in showdown-flowchart.js, render diagrams of flowchart using flowchart.js, check flowchart website for more information.
```flow {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false}
<code content>
```flowchart {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false}
<code content>
st=>start: Start:>[blank]
op1=>operation: My Operation
sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine
cond=>condition: Yes
or No?:>
io=>inputoutput: catch something...
para=>parallel: parallel tasks
para(path1, bottom)->sub1(right)->op1
para(path2, top)->op1
st=>start: Start
op1=>operation: My Operation
sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine
cond=>condition: Yes
or No?:>
io=>inputoutput: catch something
It's implemented in showdown-viz.js, render diagrams of graphviz's dot using viz.js.
The <engine name> of json's "engine" field value is 'circo', 'dot', 'neato', 'osage', 'twopi' in syntax language attribute.
```dot {"engine": "<engine name>", "align": "<align>"}
<code content>
- Dot example with dot engine:
digraph G {
main -> parse -> execute;
main -> init;
main -> cleanup;
execute -> make_string;
execute -> printf
init -> make_string;
main -> printf;
execute -> compare;
- Dot example with circo engine:
digraph G {
main -> parse -> execute;
main -> init;
main -> cleanup;
execute -> make_string;
execute -> printf
init -> make_string;
main -> printf;
execute -> compare;
It's implemented in showdown-viz.js, render diagrams of railroad using railroad-diagrams.
```railroad {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false}
<code content>
Optional('+', 'skip'),
NonTerminal('name-start char'),
NonTerminal('name char'),
It's implemented in showdown-viz.js, render diagrams of wavedrom using wavedrom, check wavedrom website for more information.
```wavedrom {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false}
<code content>
{signal: [
{name: 'clk', wave: 'p.....|...'},
{name: 'dat', wave: 'x.345x|=.x', data: ['head', 'body', 'tail', 'data']},
{name: 'req', wave: '0.1..0|1.0'},
{name: 'ack', wave: '1.....|01.'}
{ signal: [
{ name: "pclk", wave: 'p.......' },
{ name: "Pclk", wave: 'P.......' },
{ name: "nclk", wave: 'n.......' },
{ name: "Nclk", wave: 'N.......' },
{ name: 'clk0', wave: 'phnlPHNL' },
{ name: 'clk1', wave: 'xhlhLHl.' },
{ name: 'clk2', wave: 'hpHplnLn' },
{ name: 'clk3', wave: 'nhNhplPl' },
{ name: 'clk4', wave: 'xlh.L.Hx' },
```echarts {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false, "width":400, "height":300, "type": "javascript" | "json"}
<code content>
"title": { "text": "最近 30 天" },
"tooltip": { "trigger": "axis", "axisPointer": { "lineStyle": { "width": 0 } } },
"legend": { "data": ["帖子", "用户", "回帖"] },
"xAxis": [{
"type": "category",
"boundaryGap": false,
"data": ["2019-05-08","2019-05-09","2019-05-10","2019-05-11","2019-05-12","2019-05-13","2019-05-14","2019-05-15","2019-05-16","2019-05-17","2019-05-18","2019-05-19","2019-05-20","2019-05-21","2019-05-22","2019-05-23","2019-05-24","2019-05-25","2019-05-26","2019-05-27","2019-05-28","2019-05-29","2019-05-30","2019-05-31","2019-06-01","2019-06-02","2019-06-03","2019-06-04","2019-06-05","2019-06-06","2019-06-07"],
"axisTick": { "show": false },
"axisLine": { "show": false }
"yAxis": [{ "type": "value", "axisTick": { "show": false }, "axisLine": { "show": false }, "splitLine": { "lineStyle": { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .38)", "type": "dashed" } } }],
"series": [
"name": "帖子", "type": "line", "smooth": true, "itemStyle": { "color": "#d23f31" }, "areaStyle": { "normal": {} }, "z": 3,
"data": ["18","14","22","9","7","18","10","12","13","16","6","9","15","15","12","15","8","14","9","10","29","22","14","22","9","10","15","9","9","15","0"]
"name": "用户", "type": "line", "smooth": true, "itemStyle": { "color": "#f1e05a" }, "areaStyle": { "normal": {} }, "z": 2,
"data": ["31","33","30","23","16","29","23","37","41","29","16","13","39","23","38","136","89","35","22","50","57","47","36","59","14","23","46","44","51","43","0"]
"name": "回帖", "type": "line", "smooth": true, "itemStyle": { "color": "#4285f4" }, "areaStyle": { "normal": {} }, "z": 1,
"data": ["35","42","73","15","43","58","55","35","46","87","36","15","44","76","130","73","50","20","21","54","48","73","60","89","26","27","70","63","55","37","0"]
const data = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
let theta = (i / 100) * 360;
let r = 5 * (1 + Math.sin((theta / 180) * Math.PI));
data.push([r, theta]);
const option = {
title: {
text: 'Two Value-Axes in Polar'
legend: {
data: ['line']
polar: {},
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
type: 'cross'
angleAxis: {
type: 'value',
startAngle: 0
radiusAxis: {},
series: [
coordinateSystem: 'polar',
name: 'line',
type: 'line',
data: data
It's implemented in showdown-vega.js, render diagrams of Vega and Vega-Lite using vega-embed, check vega website and vega-lite website for more information.
```vega {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false, "type": "javascript" | "json"}
<code content>
```vega-lite {"align": "left | center | right", "codeblock": true | false, "type": "javascript" | "json"}
<code content>
- Vega example:
"$schema": "",
"width": 200,
"height": 200,
"autosize": "none",
"signals": [
"name": "startAngle", "value": 0,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 6.29, "step": 0.01}
"name": "endAngle", "value": 6.29,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 6.29, "step": 0.01}
"name": "padAngle", "value": 0,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 0.1}
"name": "innerRadius", "value": 0,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 90, "step": 1}
"name": "cornerRadius", "value": 0,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 10, "step": 0.5}
"name": "sort", "value": false,
"bind": {"input": "checkbox"}
"data": [
"name": "table",
"values": [
{"id": 1, "field": 4},
{"id": 2, "field": 6},
{"id": 3, "field": 10},
{"id": 4, "field": 3},
{"id": 5, "field": 7},
{"id": 6, "field": 8}
"transform": [
"type": "pie",
"field": "field",
"startAngle": {"signal": "startAngle"},
"endAngle": {"signal": "endAngle"},
"sort": {"signal": "sort"}
"scales": [
"name": "color",
"type": "ordinal",
"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "id"},
"range": {"scheme": "category20"}
"marks": [
"type": "arc",
"from": {"data": "table"},
"encode": {
"enter": {
"fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "id"},
"x": {"signal": "width / 2"},
"y": {"signal": "height / 2"}
"update": {
"startAngle": {"field": "startAngle"},
"endAngle": {"field": "endAngle"},
"padAngle": {"signal": "padAngle"},
"innerRadius": {"signal": "innerRadius"},
"outerRadius": {"signal": "width / 2"},
"cornerRadius": {"signal": "cornerRadius"}
- Vega-Lite example:
"$schema": "",
"description": "Plots two functions using a generated sequence.",
"width": 300,
"height": 150,
"data": {
"sequence": {
"start": 0,
"stop": 12.7,
"step": 0.1,
"as": "x"
"transform": [
"calculate": "sin(datum.x)",
"as": "sin(x)"
"calculate": "cos(datum.x)",
"as": "cos(x)"
"fold": ["sin(x)", "cos(x)"]
"mark": "line",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"type": "quantitative",
"field": "x"
"y": {
"field": "value",
"type": "quantitative"
"color": {
"field": "key",
"type": "nominal",
"title": null
It's implemented in showdown-sequence.js, render diagrams of sequence using js-sequence-diagrams.
The <theme name> of json's "theme" field value is "hand" or "simple" in syntax language attribute;
```sequence {"theme": "<theme name>", "align": "<align>"}
<code content>
- Sequence example with hand theme:
Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Note right of Bob: Bob thinks
Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!
- Sequence example with simple theme:
Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Note right of Bob: Bob thinks
Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!
```abc {"align": "<align>"}
<code content>
T: Cooley's
M: 4/4
Q: 1/4=120
L: 1/8
R: reel
K: Emin
EBBA B2 EB|B2 AB defg|afe^c dBAF|DEFD E2:|
|:gf|eB B2 efge|eB B2 gedB|A2 FA DAFA|A2 FA defg|
eB B2 eBgB|eB B2 defg|afe^c dBAF|DEFD E2:|
X: 24
T: Clouds Thicken (云层变厚)
C: Paul Rosen
S: Copyright 2005, Paul Rosen
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: 3/8=116
R: Creepy Jig
K: Em
|:"Em"EEE E2G|"C7"_B2A G2F|"Em"EEE E2G|\
"C7"_B2A "B7"=B3|"Em"EEE E2G|
"C7"_B2A G2F|"Em"GFE "D (Bm7)"F2D|\
1"Em"E3-E3:|2"Em"E3-E2B|:"Em"e2e gfe|
"G"g2ab3|"Em"gfeg2e|"D"fedB2A|"Em"e2e gfe|\