On 2/April/2020 Sudan PM Abdullah Hamdook anounced StandForSudan campaign to raise funds for the struggling government, this repo will serve as historic and analytical data for the campaign
StandForSudan historic data for graphs
quickly written scripts to grap data from ebs website to do analysis on the data
data files are updated automatically every 1 minute from 9 April 7 pm
script now includes usd donations in the same files
Data Format:
"Cash": "Value",
"USD_Doners": "Value",
"USD_CASH": "Value"
"Cash": "Value",
"USD_Doners": "Value",
"USD_CASH": "Value"
the script when ran will send a request to SFS endpoint to grap numbers then saves these in json, csv files and printing to terminal
- python script (grabber.py)
- json file (StandForSudan_DATA.json)
- csv file (StandForSudan_DATA.csv)
- terminal log file (log.txt)
I recommend running the script in a linux environment however it should work on windows if you install missing libraries
- create a cron job to run the script every 1 minute
crontab -e
*/1 * * * * python3 /StandForSudan/scraper.py >> /StandForSudan/DataFiles/log.txt
# send data via share to splunk for real time analysis
*/1 * * * * cp StandForSudan_DATA.csv /mnt/hgfs/SFS_share/
# cron runs from home directory
*/1 * * * * cp -f log.txt StandForSudan_DATA.csv StandForSudan_DATA.json /StandForSudan/SFS/DataFiles/
# push new data files every minute to github so others can automate pulling and have real time data
*/1 * * * * cd /StandForSudan/ && rm -f .git/index.lock && git add * && git commit -m "updated data files" && git push origin master
- you can watch data from the files by cat-ing them in a watch command
watch -n 3600 'cat ~/log.txt'
watch -n 3600 'cat ~/StandForSudan.json'
watch -n 3600 'cat ~/StandForSudan.csv'
- putting it all in a background session using tmux because i like it...
tmux new -s SFS
watch -n 3600 'cat ~/log.txt'
My current setup is like this:
Ubuntu VM running the script and posting the results to a shared folder on the host machine
Windows VM running Splunk light that monitors changes to files in the shared folder and reflects the changes in real time
If you can help create visualizations and graphs from the data please do it and send me a message on twitter jaw33sh and will add it here along with your name please create an issue or a pull request
- go to issues tab and create a new issue
- include any relevant information i need to replicate your issue
- describe the issue as you would for a 10 year old
friends and folks who helped on the code:
- anonymous
- anonymous
- anonymous
- anonymous
because one picture speaks a 1000 words
when the curve is flat that means no new people donated any cash
Times are GMT+4 unless stated otherwise
Making sense of the data example one 4-april-2020 - using splunk free:
30 minute Window 5-april-2020:
the jump on the left graph represent huge bigger than previous amount of cash donated
5/april/2020 11:30 pm Close to 1 Million USD collected - 900K USD
5/april/2020 955k USD collected from 7am to 7pm Khartoum time there was 2000000 donations
2,292,676 SDG from 7am to 7pm Khartoum time
7,509 new people from 7am to 7pm Khartoum time
6/April/2020 9pm Khartoum time
7/april/2020 7:37 pm Khartoum time
It took 5 days for donations to reach 1M USD here is the breakdown
Cash Count:
57657142 / 55.3 = 1,042,624.62 Million USD
Doners Count
109340 - 109329 = 11 Sudani Zol