This project represent simple spring websocket chat solution. It was created in March 2016.
- Group chat of all participants
- 1 : 1 chat which can be intialized by double clicking on participant name in the right column
- Incomming message notification marked by tab color highlighting
- Messages persistance when you accidentally close 1:1 messages tab and reopens the conversation again
- Chat reinitialization after page refresh
- Failover to long polling when websockets are not allowed by browser or server
- Spring Web MVC
- Spring Websockets
- Spring Security
- Spring Data
- jQuery
- Boostrap
- stomp
- sockJS
- clone the repo
- run> mvn clean tomcat7:run
- build the project> mvn clean install
- rename created war file to chatapp.war
- deploy to your tomcat instalation
- http://localhost:8080/chatapp
- Login by username: whateverSingleWordUsername and password: chat