Client API to Franz AllegroGraph triple store database, version 4.
This agraph-java-client provides:
- Java client API
- Adapter for Sesame
- Adapter for Jena
- Clojure client API
- Download AllegroGraph
version 4
- Requires Linux 64-bit or a Linux VM on Windows or Mac
- Install AllegroGraph
- Java version 1.6.0 or higher, and any operating system should work with these jars
Communicates to AGraph server over http.
Supports SPARQL and Prolog queries.
The primary public package is
Jena 2.6.2
The primary public package is com.franz.agraph.jena
Uses Clojure 1.2
The tutorial included is similar to the Python and Java tutorials. The comment section at the top of the file gives instructions to get started.
- clojure/test/com/franz/agraph/tutorial.clj
Add to your leiningen project.clj dependencies:
[com.franz/agraph-clj "4.1"]
This in turn depends on agraph-java-client, apache httpclient, jena, sesame, and others, which lein will download.
To download dependencies into your lib directory:
lein deps
To start a REPL:
lein repl
To start a Slime server REPL, add [swank-clojure "1.2.1"]
dev-dependencies, then:
lein swank
For more help, see Leiningen.
The agraph-java-client download includes jar files for agraph-java-client and jars on which it depends.
The agraph-clj.jar file can be created using ant
ant build
Alternatively, add the agraph-java-client/clojure/src directory to your classpath. Clojure will compile as needed.
For Ant users, the Java library includes build.xml. The following command line will build the agraph-java-client jar:
ant build
For Maven users, the Java library includes pom.xml and an Ant target to install. A pom-sesame.xml is also included because openrdf-sesame-onejar is not available in another public maven repo. Both agraph-java-client and openrdf-sesame-onejar are available on Clojars. The following command line will build and install the jars for agraph-java-client and openrdf-sesame-onejar to your local maven directory (~/.m2/).
ant mvn-install
The Clojure library includes a project.clj for use with Leiningen. It depends on the agraph-java-client, so you will need to use the mvn-install command above before using lein. The following command line will install all dependencies in agraph-java-client/clojure/lib/.
lein deps
Alternatively, for Ant users, the Clojure library includes a build.xml and libs/clojure-1.2.0.jar.
ant build
Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Franz Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at