Simple Paperboy-themed PubSub on top of REST+SSE.
You can find a blog post about this app in our Inaka's Blog :)
This is canillita v2, if you're looking for v1 switch to branch v1 or tag 1.0 :)
Canillita provides a RESTful API that allow us to manage news
by newspaper
and every time a news item
is published, the listeners get a notification with it.
You can run the tests executing rebar3 do dialyzer, ct
in the root folder of the app.
In order to run this application you need to execute the following commands:
# Create release
$ rebar3 release
# Run server
$ _build/default/rel/canillita/bin/canillita console
After that you're just good to go.
Or you can download a compiled app from the latest release.
After starting the server you can go to http://localhost:4892/api-docs
and it will give you a nice and practical documentation for Canillita thanks to cowboy-swagger
and cowboy-trails
If you find any bugs or have a problem while using this project, please open an issue in this repo (or a pull request :)).
And you can check all of our open-source projects at inaka.github.io