Endless full-screen card ViewPager inspired by apple iBook for Android.
✅ We are open to any new feature request, bug fix request, and pull request.
Endless cards | Scale on scroll up | Float actionbar |
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- Scale cards on scroll up.
- Endless (from server or database).
- Show loading card.
- Floating actionbar.
- Save position when fragments are changed or onConfigurationChanged() called.
- Lock horizontal scroll after card expanded.
- Push side cards on card scale.
- Support RTL.
- Support java and kotlin projects.
- Easy to use (3 tiny steps).
- Support API > 16.
Add the following line to the app-level build.gradle file, in dependencies scope:
dependencies {
// add this line:
implementation "com.dolatkia:full-screen-card-viewpager:1.0.0"
Our library is based on RecyclerView
, we need a RecyclerView.Adapter
for each card.
So let's start:
Add FullScreenCardViewPager
to your Fragment/Activity layout xml file:
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
Create adapter class that extends fromFullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter
and override 3 abstract methods:
class MyFullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter(private val activity: Activity) :
FullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter(activity) {
// list of products that you should fill it yourself
private val productsList = arrayListOf<Product>()
// you should create your own RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> for each card with the given position
//data in this adapter will save
override fun getCardRecyclerViewAdapter(position: Int): RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
return InnerRecyclerAdapter(activity, position, productsList[position])
// return number of cards (except loading card, loading card will add with the library)
override fun getCardsCount(): Int {
return productsList.size
// return View.OnClickListener to call when close button clicked
override fun getOnCloseClickListener(position: Int, context: Context): View.OnClickListener {
return View.OnClickListener { activity.onBackPressed() }
= list of products that you should fill it yourself, each product is for one card.InnerRecyclerAdapter
= is your custom RecyclerView.Adapter to display in each card. for more details see sample app.
Set adapter
created in step 2 for FullScreenCardViewPager
created in step 1.
// set customize adapter to fullScreenCardViewPager
// 0 = start position
// adapter = your customize adapter (for more details see sample app)
adapter = MyFullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter(this)
binding.fullScreenCardViewPager.setAdapter(adapter, 0)
If you need actionbars for cards override these two methods in your adapter:
// create and return actionbar view
override fun onCreateActionBarCustomView(): View {
return ItemActionbarBinding.inflate(activity.layoutInflater).root
// update actionbar view with relevant data
override fun onBindActionBarCustomView(position: Int, customView: View) {
("Beautiful Chair " + (position + 1).toString()).also {
ItemActionbarBinding.bind(customView).title.text = it
override these two methods in your adapter:
override fun hasMoreData(): Boolean {
return true
// return true if you have endless cards and your data is incomplete,
// return false if you don't have endless cards or you get all data or
// load data (from server or db) in this method and add it to the adapter
// you should manage your load data sequence yourself
override fun loadData() {
// call this method when new data is ready
1000 // value in milliseconds
To save cards position and inner card scroll position when fragments are changed or onConfigurationChange()
called (land<->portrate), Just create customize FullScreenCardViewPagerAdapter
instance in onCreate()
method of the fragment to avoid recreate it. for more information see the sample app.
call setRTL()
method of fullScreenCardViewPager
,before set it's adapter
// setAdapter() after setRtl()
binding.fullScreenCardViewPager.setAdapter(adapter, 0)
doesn't work properly on API 28, contact me for the solution.
To customize UI override these methods in your adapter:
// customize distance from top to enter actionbar
open fun getActionBarStartAnimationOffsetThreshold(
recyclerView: RecyclerView,
customActionBarView: View?
): Int {
return PresentationUtils.convertDpToPixel(50, recyclerView.context)
// customize cards background-color
open fun getCardsColor(position: Int, context: Context): Int {
return Color.parseColor("#ffffff")
// customize cards top-radius
open fun getCardRadius(context: Context): Int {
return PresentationUtils.convertDpToPixel(15, context)
// customize close icon
open fun getCloseResId(position: Int, context: Context): Int {
return R.drawable.ic_close
// customize close color
open fun getCloseColor(position: Int, context: Context): Int {
return Color.parseColor("#444444")
Inner card horizontal scroll | Save position |
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