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Releases: imacrayon/alpine-ajax


22 Feb 18:24
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What's New

We added new back and away target modifiers thanks to @djaiss (#123)

  • target.back="my_element" will target my_element only when the AJAX request redirects back to the same page.

  • target.away="my_element" will target my_element only when the AJAX request redirects away to a new page.

We've deprecated the _self target since the target.away modifier is easier to grok. Instead of target.3xx="_self" use target.away="_top".

There are more examples using the back and away modifiers in the documentation here:

What's fixed

  • We do a better job of normalizing URLs internally. Requests to relative URLs are now appropriately cached (#124)

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


31 Dec 18:48
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Happy New Year!

Just some quick fixes and clean up items before the year ends.


For GET requests listening to the ajax:send event: detail.body will be null and this data will exist as query parameters in the URL of detail.action instead.


  • Fixed simultaneous requests to the same URL aborting all requests (#117)
  • Fixed query strings mucking up redirect behavior (#118)

Full Changelog: v0.10.5...v0.11.0


16 Nov 23:06
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  • Fixed issues caused by targeting an element that is already being synced (with x-sync).

Full Changelog: v0.10.4...v0.10.5


16 Nov 15:21
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What's Changed

  • Fix target aliases example by @itpey in #112
  • Add the ability to specify '_none' as a target by @justisr in #107

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.3...v0.10.4


15 Nov 15:50
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Fixed regression which caused View Transition animations to fail. (Thanks @SmileyChris)

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v0.10.3


05 Nov 14:16
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What's Changed

  • Fixed v0.10.1 build
  • Allow raw response text to be read from event listeners by @justisr in #106

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2


04 Nov 19:42
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What's Changed

  • Fixed bug where ResponseCache was not deleted during a GET request by @jackmered in #110

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1


25 Oct 21:04
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This release contains a big internal refactor and adds support for target aliases

What's Changed

  • Fixed a regression that broke using the back button after a target.push request.
  • We added a new Navigation section on the documentation site with some thoughts on creating a good navigation experience. Credit to @bluz71 for research.

What's New

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0


02 Oct 03:18
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What's Changed

  • examples/ - Add missing close button to sample html by @Fak3 in #95
  • Allow $ajax to recover from aborted requests by @imacrayon in #97

New Contributors

  • @Fak3 made their first contribution in #95

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1


21 Aug 21:53
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This minor release continues to sand down some rough edges in Alpine AJAX:

  1. x-target will now initialize an Alpine component without requiring x-init or x-data. While this isn't a breaking change, you may want to remove unnecessary x-init’s in your code:

    <!-- Before -->
    <form x-init x-target="...">
    <tbody x-data>
      <a x-target="...">
    <!-- After -->
    <form x-target="...">
      <a x-target="...">

    Check out all the attributes we were able to remove from the documentation in this commit: 9949ab5

  2. We've fixed some edge cases around response caching. Now Alpine AJAX can further reduce the number of requests hitting the server when multiple components fetch from the same endpoint.

Here's a secret for anybody reading these release notes: I just recorded a 30min walkthrough on how to build apps with Alpine AJAX. It'll go up on the documentation site soon but you can watch it here now:

Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.9.0