This is the command line interface for Railway. Use it to connect your code to Railway's infrastructure without needing to worry about environment variables or configuration.
The Railway command line interface (CLI) connects your code to your Railway project from the command line.
The Railway CLI allows you to
- Create new Railway projects from the terminal
- Link to an existing Railway project
- Pull down environment variables for your project locally to run
- Create services and databases right from the comfort of your fingertips
Currently pre-release. We are looking for feedback and suggestions. Please join our Discord to provide feedback.
cargo install railwayapp --locked
brew tap railwayapp/railway
brew install railway
npm install -g @railway/cli
# Install
bash <(curl -fsSL
# Uninstall
bash <(curl -fsSL -r
scoop install railway
Add this to your zinit config (.zshrc):
zinit light railway/cli
# it also works with turbo mode:
zinit ice wait lucid
zinit load railway/cli
See for information on setting up this repo locally.
We would love to hear your feedback or suggestions. The best way to reach us is on Discord.
We also welcome pull requests into this repo. See for information on setting up this repo locally.