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Releases: hypergonial/hikari-arc


08 Oct 16:17
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  • Bump hikari to v2.0.0.
  • Add Python 3.13 support.
  • Add new optiontype with converter for hikari.Emoji.
  • Work around hikari bug to solve command sync failing when a command has localizations.


02 Jun 22:47
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  • Fix included basic hooks not working due to signature parsing


27 May 13:13
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  • Fix hooks defined as async callable classes not working. (For instance, limiters)


24 May 22:41
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  • Add IntervalLoop.set_interval() to change the loop interval after loop creation.
  • Fix error handling with slash subcommands sometimes causing infinite recursion.


22 May 19:36
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  • Add the ability to configure if an IntervalLoop should run immediately after being started or not.
  • Fix CronLoop running immediately after being started.


12 May 19:49
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  • Deprecate Client.set_startup_hook and Client.set_shutdown_hook. These will be removed in v2.0.0. Use the newly added Client.add_startup_hook and Client.add_shutdown_hook instead.


  • Add options with converters. These options do not exist on Discord's end, arc simply tries to convert a more primitive optiontype into the requested one, failing if it is not possible.
  • Add new optiontypes with converters for hikari.Member and hikari.Color.
  • Add arc.OptionConverterFailureError when a converter fails to convert an option value.
  • Add support for injecting dependencies contextually to command callbacks, hooks, and error handlers via Client.add_injection_hook and Client.remove_injection_hook.
  • Add support for multiple startup & shutdown hooks via Client.add_startup_hook and Client.add_shutdown_hook respectively.
  • Inject dependencies by default into pre/post-execution hooks & error handlers.


  • Fix client hooks being executed twice if a command is added to a plugin.
  • Fix options mapping not taking name overrides into account.


  • Bump alluka to 0.3+.


06 Feb 15:53
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  • Fix arc.utils.global_concurrency missing a limit argument.
  • Fix slash subcommands failing to resolve autodefer settings.

v1.2.0 - Better sync

26 Jan 13:02
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  • Optimize command syncing by using bulk endpoints for global app commands as well, making it much faster.
  • Improve command syncing error messages.
  • Fix @Client.listen and @Plugin.listen failing to parse event types with generics from function signatures.


19 Jan 00:28
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  • Add Client.create_task to make it easier to create "fire and forget" tasks.
  • Add Client.is_started and Client.wait_until_started for more convenient lifecycle management.
  • Add the ability to pass an already existing injector instance to Client via the injector= kwarg. If not passed, a new injector will be created by default, like before.
  • Set the client as a type dependency upon instantiation.
  • Stabilize Context.issued_response. This property returns a boolean that is True if the underlying interaction has already received an initial response.
  • Fix hikari.User | hikari.Role | None not being parsed as mentionable option.
  • Fix edgecase where options defaulted to None would be ignored in Python 3.10.

v1.0.0 - Stable

10 Jan 18:53
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This marks the first stable release of arc, meaning that from this point on, the project follows semantic versioning, and no breaking changes will happen (until an eventual 2.0).

  • Add loops. Loops can be used to repeatedly call a given coroutine function with a specific interval or cron set.
  • Add concurrency limiters. Concurrency limiters can be used to prevent users from invoking a command that already has a specific amount of instances running.
  • Add arc.StartedEvent and arc.StoppingEvent to gateway clients to enable managing lifecycle via events.
  • Fix command groups always being republished when command syncing.

In additon to these changes, the documentation got a major refresh, adding & extending guides where needed.