This R script helps extract the population percentage estimates (for example, by race/ethnicity or language use) from the American Community Survey (ACS) and US Census for relevant zip codes. This script also includes a way to calculate an entropy value that represents the diversity of different racial/ethnic/language groups in that particular zip code (i.e., a way to weigh the number and amount of different racial/ethnic/language groups in a zip code) using the R package 'philentropy.'
Before using this script, download the relevant American Community Surveys from the US census download center:
- Go to
- Search "DP05"
- click "Customize Table"
- click "Geographies"
- select "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "Within Other Geographies" below it "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "All ZCTAs in United States"
- Then click "download" and select 2019 (or the latest year you want)
The file name of the dataset should be like this (except with an updated download date) : ACSDP5Y2019.DP05_data_with_overlays_2021-05-12T022242.csv
Below is a screenshot of how to access and download the correct dataset file for 2018 dataset:
- GEO.id2 : zip code
- DP05_0077PE : Percent; RACE - One race - White Alone
- DP05_0078PE : Percent; RACE - One race - Black or African American
- DP05_0079PE : Percent; RACE - One race - American Indian and Alaska Native
- DP05_0080PE : Percent; RACE - One race - Asian
- DP05_0081PE : Percent; RACE - One race - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
- DP05_0071PE : Percent; RACE - One race - Hispanic
- DP05_0082PE : Percent; RACE - One race - Some other race
- DP05_0083PE : Percent; RACE - Two or more races
Language Spoken at Home.
- Go to
- Search "S1601"
- click "Language Spoken at Home"
- click "Customize Table"
- click "Geographies"
- select "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "Within Other Geographies" below it "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "All ZCTAs in United States"
- Then click "download" and select 2018
The file name of the dataset should be like this (except with an updated download date): ACSST5Y2018.S1601_data_with_overlays_2020-07-28T181025.csv
- GEO.id2 : zip code
- S1601_C02_003E : "percent_nonenglish" Estimate!!Percent!!Population 5 years and over!!Speak a language other than English
- S1601_C02_002E : "percent_englishonly" Estimate!!Percent of specified language speakers!!Percent speak English only or speak English very well"!!Population 5 years and over!!Speak a language other than English"
- S1601_C02_004E : "percent_spanish_speaking" Estimate!!Percent!!Population 5 years and over!!SPEAK A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH!!Spanish
- S1601_C02_008E : "percent_IndoEuropean_speaking" Estimate!!Percent!!Population 5 years and over!!SPEAK A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH!!Other Indo-European languages
- S1601_C02_012E : "percent_AsianPacific_speaking" Estimate!!Total!!Population 5 years and over!!SPEAK A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH!!Asian and Pacific Island languages
- S1601_C02_016E : "percent_otherlang_speaking" Estimate!!Percent!!Population 5 years and over!!SPEAK A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH!!Other languages
*This is using the most broad category; U.S. census does collect more detailed 42 language distinctions:
Native and foreign born population
- Go to
- Search "DP02"
- click "Customize Table"
- click "Geographies"
- select "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "Within Other Geographies" below it "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "All ZCTAs in United States"
- Then click "download" and select 2018
The file name of the dataset should be like this (except with an updated download date): ACSDP5Y2019.DP02_data_with_overlays_2021-09-02T094337.csvv
- GEO.id2 : zip code
- DP02_0089PE : "percent_native_born" Percent!!PLACE OF BIRTH!!Total population!!Native!!Born in United States
- DP02_0093PE : "percent_foreign_born" Percent!!PLACE OF BIRTH!!Total population!!Foreign born
- Go to
- Search "DP03"
- click "Selected economic characteristics"
- click "Customize Table"
- click "Geographies"
- select "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "Within Other Geographies" below it "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "All ZCTAs in United States"
- Then click "download" and select 2019
The file name of the dataset should be like this (except with an updated download date): ACSDP5Y2018.DP03_data_with_overlays_2020-07-28T144525.csv
- GEO.id2 : zip code
- DP03_0062E : Estimate!!INCOME AND BENEFITS (IN 2018 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS)!!Total households!!Median household income (dollars)
This one is taken from the 2010 US census instead of ACS because ACS does not have population density measures (or as far as I can find). Instead of download center, go to advanced search and search the following term: "Population, Housing Units, Area, and Density: 2010 - State -- 5-digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area more information - 2010 Census Summary File 1""
The file name of the dataset should be : DEC_10_SF1_GCTPH1.ST09_with_ann.csv
- GCT_STUB.display-label (7th column) : Target zipcode
- HD01 : population
- SUBHD0401 : Density per square mile of land area - Population
- Go to
- Search "S1501"
- click "Educational Attainment"
- click "Customize Table"
- click "Geographies"
- select "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "Within Other Geographies" below it "Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)"
- select "All ZCTAs in United States"
- Then click "download" and select 2019
The file name of the dataset should be like this (except with an updated download date) : ACSST5Y2018.S1501_data_with_overlays_2020-07-21T180804.csv
- GEO.id2 : zip code
- S1501_C02_023E : Estimate!!Percent!!Population 25 years and over!!Population 45 to 64 years!!High school graduate or higher
- S1501_C02_024E : Estimate!!Percent!!Population 25 years and over!!Population 45 to 64 years!!Bachelor's degree or higher