This project contains a gem that downloads ten images from flickr and builds a college grid on an empty canvas.
Either use it as a gem or clone the github repository honigwasser/gem-flimpsy
docker-compose build
docker-compose run app bash -l
bundle console
The only argument is a hash with two required keys: to_file
and from_keywords
Keywords should be given as a list of comma separated strings. Filename must be a valid PNG filepath.
Folders won't be created.
Flimpsy.create(from_keywords: "miyajima, paris, berlin, helsinki, amsterdam", to_file: "./test.png")
- Searching via the flickr API takes some time.
- Since "top-rated" is rather unspecified, I'll stick to flickrs own most relevant ranking
- There is a small chance that less than ten images are retrieved. There is still room for improvement.
- Images are cropped to 400px * 200px
- Cropped images will be cached in a temporary folder.
- Original images will be deleted directly after use to save space.
- Images are placed on a 800px * 800px canvas
- After each run old cropped images will be removed from the cache.
- Things that need some brain power: overall performance, file handling, exception handling