Releases: home-assistant/core
- Bump weatherflow4py to 1.3.1 (@jeeftor - #135529)
- Add new mediatypes to Music Assistant integration (@marcelveldt - #139338)
- Move climate intent to homeassistant integration (@synesthesiam - #139371)
- Bump aiohomeconnect to 0.15.1 (@Diegorro98 - #139445)
- Fix SmartThings diagnostics (@joostlek - #139447)
- Bump pysmartthings to 2.0.1 (@joostlek - #139454)
- Change webdav namespace to absolut URI (@jpbede - #139456)
- Improve onedrive migration (@zweckj - #139458)
- Bump pysmartthings to 2.1.0 (@joostlek - #139460)
- Only lowercase SmartThings media input source if we have it (@joostlek - #139468)
- Set SmartThings suggested display precision (@joostlek - #139470)
- Fixed Schema validation for issue #139416 (@IvanLH - #139478)
- Fail recorder.backup.async_pre_backup if Home Assistant is not running (@emontnemery - #139491)
- Fix shift state in Teslemetry (@Bre77 - #139505)
- Improve error handling in CoreBackupReaderWriter (@emontnemery - #139508)
- Add diagnostics to onedrive (@zweckj - #139516)
- Make the Tuya backend library compatible with the newer paho mqtt client. (@jbouwh - #139518)
- Suppress unsupported event 'EVT_USP_RpsPowerDeniedByPsuOverload' by bumping aiounifi to v83 (@Kane610 - #139519)
- Don't split wheels builder anymore (@edenhaus - #139522)
- Bump yt-dlp to 2025.02.19 (@joostlek - #139526)
- Update frontend to 20250228.0 (@bramkragten - #139531)
- Bump stookwijzer==1.6.1 (@fwestenberg - #139380)
- Bump ZHA to 0.0.51 (@puddly - #139383)
- Bump intents to 2025.2.26 (@synesthesiam - #139387)
- Fix fetch options error for Home connect (@Diegorro98 - #139392)
- Bump onedrive to 0.0.12 (@zweckj - #139410)
- Bump pysmartthings to 2.0.0 (@joostlek - #139418)
- Bump habluetooth to 3.24.1 (@bdraco - #139420)
- Fix conversation agent fallback (@balloob - #139421)
- Add diagnostics to SmartThings (@joostlek - #139423)
- Bump bleak-esphome to 2.8.0 (@bdraco - #139426)
- Bump reolink-aio to 0.12.1 (@starkillerOG - #139427)
- Fix Music Assistant media player entity features (@marcelveldt - #139428)
- Update frontend to 20250227.0 (@bramkragten - #139437)
Beta release notes can be found here:
Please note that these release notes are a work in progress. 👷♀️ We will be completing them over the next couple of days. Not all features might be final yet, and some features may not make it into the final release.
Want to help test the beta? Awesome! ❤️ We have documented how you can join our beta channel and install the beta here.
While running the beta, we highly recommend joining our #beta channel on the Home Assistant Discord chat! 💬 Most developers and beta testers are in this channel during the beta period to share experiences, ideas, and iterate over new features, fine-tuning them before the final release. It's a really fun place to hang out. 😎
Reporting issues: As this is a beta test, you might encounter unexpected behavior or issues. 🐞 We use the GitHub issue tracker to track beta issues. You can find our issue trackers and the reported issues during beta here:
- Report(ed) beta dashboards/UI/frontend issues
- Report(ed) beta integrations/automations/backend/core issues
- Report(ed) beta documentation issues
🙏 When reporting issues, make sure to mention the exact beta version you are running in the issue description. This will help us identify and track the issue correctly. Read more about reporting issues here.
- Adjust Tuya Water Detector to support 1 as an alarm state (@petacz - #135933) (tuya docs)
- Fix bug in set_preset_mode_with_end_datetime (wrong typo of frost_guard) (@pectum83 - #138402) (netatmo docs)
- Bump pyhive-integration to 1.0.2 (@KJonline - #138569) (hive docs) (dependency)
- Bump tesla-fleet-api to v0.9.10 (@Bre77 - #138575) (tessie docs) (teslemetry docs) (tesla_fleet docs) (dependency)
- Bump pysmarty2 to 0.10.2 (@lucab-91 - #138625) (smarty docs) (dependency)
- Rename "returned" state to "alert" (@shaiu - #138676) (seventeentrack docs)
- Bump pyvesync for vesync (@cdnninja - #138681) (vesync docs) (dependency)
- Opower: Fix unavailable "start date" and "end date" sensors (@SaswatPadhi - #138694) (opower docs)
- Correct backup filename on delete or download of cloud backup (@emontnemery - #138704) (cloud docs)
- Correct invalid automatic backup settings when loading from store (@emontnemery - #138716) (hassio docs) (backup docs)
- Bump airgradient to 0.9.2 (@joostlek - #138725) (airgradient docs) (dependency)
- Clean up translations for mocked integrations inbetween tests (@emontnemery - #138732) (tts docs) (stt docs)
- Bump pyrympro from 0.0.8 to 0.0.9 (@nivstein - #138753) (rympro docs) (dependency)
- Don't allow setting backup retention to 0 days or copies (@emontnemery - #138771) (backup docs)
- Fix TV input source option for Sonos Arc Ultra (@PeteRager - #138778) (sonos docs)
- Add assistant filter to expose entities list command (@synesthesiam - #138817) (homeassistant docs)
- Fix playback for encrypted Reolink files (@starkillerOG - #138852) (reolink docs)
- Correct backup date when reading a backup created by supervisor (@emontnemery - #138860) (backup docs)
- Bump pyfritzhome to 0.6.15 (@mib1185 - #138879) (fritzbox docs) (dependency)
- Validate hassio backup settings (@emontnemery - #138880) (hassio docs) (backup docs)
- Catch zeep fault as well on GetSystemDateAndTime call. (@DmitryKuzmenko - #138916) (onvif docs)
- Fix Reolink callback id collision (@starkillerOG - #138918) (reolink docs)
- Fix handling of min/max temperature presets in AVM Fritz!SmartHome (@mib1185 - #138954) (fritzbox docs)
- Bump pyprosegur to 0.0.13 (@dgomes - #138960) (prosegur docs) (dependency)
- Bump reolink-aio to 0.12.0 (@starkillerOG - #138985) (reolink docs) (dependency)
- Bump deebot-client to 12.2.0 (@edenhaus - #138986) (ecovacs docs) (dependency)
- Omit unknown hue effects (@joostlek - #138992) (hue docs)
- Update frontend to 20250221.0 (@bramkragten - #139006) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Bump python-kasa to 0.10.2 (@sdb9696 - #138381) (tplink docs) (dependency)
- Bump hass-nabucasa from 0.90.0 to 0.91.0 (@ludeeus - #138441) (cloud docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiowebostv to 0.6.2 (@thecode - #138488) (webostv docs) (dependency)
- Bump ZHA to 0.0.49 to fix Tuya TRV issues (@TheJulianJES - #138492) (zha docs) (dependency)
- Bump pyseventeentrack to 1.0.2 (@shaiu - #138506) (seventeentrack docs) (dependency)
- Bump hass-nabucasa from 0.91.0 to 0.92.0 (@emontnemery - #138510) (cloud docs) (dependency)
- Bump py-synologydsm-api to 2.6.3 (@mib1185 - #138516) (synology_dsm docs) (dependency)
- Update frontend to 20250214.0 (@bramkragten - #138521) (dependency)
- Bump hass-nabucasa from 0.88.1 to 0.89.0 (@ludeeus - #137321) (cloud docs) (dependency)
- Move cloud backup upload/download handlers to lib (@ludeeus - #137416) (cloud docs)
- Handle non-retryable errors when uploading cloud backup (@ludeeus - #137517) (cloud docs)
- Add missing thermostat state EMERGENCY_HEAT to econet (@jdanders - #137623) (econet docs)
- Fix broken issue creation in econet (@jdanders - #137773) (econet docs)
- Fix version extraction for APsystems (@alfwro13 - #138023) (apsystems docs)
- Refresh nest access token before before building subscriber Credentials (@allenporter - #138259) (nest docs)
- Fix BackupManager.async_delete_backup (@emontnemery - #138286) (backup docs)
- Fix next authentication token error handling (@allenporter - #138299) (nest docs)
- Bump pyenphase to 1.25.1 (@catsmanac - #138327) (enphase_envoy docs) (dependency)
- Bump sentry-sdk to 1.45.1 (@edenhaus - #138349) (sentry docs) (dependency)
- Bump zeroconf to 0.144.1 (@bdraco - #138353) (zeroconf docs) (dependency)
- Bump cryptography to 44.0.1 (@edenhaus - #138371) (dependency)
- Fix tplink iot strip sensor refresh (@sdb9696 - #138375) (tplink docs)
- Bump deebot-client to 12.1.0 (@edenhaus - #138382) (ecovacs docs) (dependency)
- Bump hass-nabucasa from 0.89.0 to 0.90.0 (@emontnemery - #138387) (cloud docs) (dependency)
- Update cloud backup agent to use calculate_b64md5 from lib (@emontnemery - #138391) (cloud docs)
- LaCrosse View new endpoint (@IceBotYT - #137284) (lacrosse_view docs)
- Convert coinbase account amounts as floats to properly add them together (@natekspencer - #137588) (coinbase docs)
- Bump ohmepy to 1.2.9 (@dan-r - #137695) (ohme docs) (dependency)
- Bump onedrive_personal_sdk to 0.0.9 (@zweckj - #137729) (onedrive docs) (dependency)
- Limit habitica ConfigEntrySelect to integration domain (@cdce8p - #137767) (habitica docs)
- Limit nordpool ConfigEntrySelect to integration domain (@cdce8p - #137768) (nordpool docs)
- Limit transmission ConfigEntrySelect to integration domain (@cdce8p - #137769) (transmission docs)
- Fix tplink child updates taking up to 60s (@bdraco - #137782) (tplink docs)
- Call backup listener during setup in Google Drive (@tronikos - #137789) (google_drive docs)
- Use the external URL set in Settings > System > Network if my is disabled as redirect URL for Google Drive instructions (@tronikos - #137791)
- Fix manufacturer_id matching for 0 (@patman15 - #137802) (bluetooth docs)
- Fix DAB radio in Onkyo (@arturpragacz - #137852) (onkyo docs)
- Fix LG webOS TV fails to setup when device is off (@thecode - #137870) (webostv docs)
- Fix heos migration (@balloob - #137887) (heos docs)
- Bump pydrawise to 2025.2.0 (@dknowles2 - #137961) (hydrawise docs) (dependency)
- Bump aioshelly to version 12.4.2 (@bieniu - #137986) (shelly docs) (dependency)
- Prevent crash if telegram message failed and did not generate an ID (@CloCkWeRX - #137989) (telegram_bot docs)
- Bump habiticalib to v0.3.7 (@tr4nt0r - #137993) (habitica docs) (dependency)
- Refresh the nest authentication token on integration start before invoking the pub/sub subsciber (@allenporter - #138003) (nest docs)
- Use resumable uploads in Google Drive (@tronikos - #138010) (google_drive docs) (dependency)
- Bump py-synologydsm-api to 2.6.2 (@mib1185 - #138060) (synology_dsm docs) (dependency)
- Handle generic agent exceptions when getting and deleting backups (@abmantis - #138145) (backup docs)
- Bump onedrive-personal-sdk to 0.0.10 (@zweckj - #138186) (onedrive docs) (dependency)
- Keep one backup per backup agent when executing retention policy (@emontnemery - #138189) (backup docs)
- Improve inexogy logging when failed to update (@jpbede - #138210) (discovergy docs)
- Bump pyheos to v1.0.2 (@andrewsayre - #138224) (heos docs) (dependency)
- Update frontend to 20250210.0 (@bramkragten - #138227) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Fix hassio test using wrong fixture (@emontnemery - #137516) (hassio docs)
- Change Electric Kiwi authentication (@mikey0000 - #135231) (electric_kiwi docs)
- Update govee-ble to 0.42.1 (@cdce8p - #137371) (govee_ble docs) (dependency)
- Bump holidays to 0.66 (@gjohansson-ST - #137449) (workday docs) (holiday docs) (dependency)
- Bump aiohttp-asyncmdnsresolver to 0.1.0 (@bdraco - #137492) (dependency)
- Bump aiohttp to 3.11.12 (@bdraco - #137494) (dependency)
- Bump govee-ble to 0.43.0 to fix compat with new H5179 firmware (@bdraco - #137508) (govee_ble docs) (dependency)
- Bump habiticalib to v0.3.5 (@tr4nt0r - #137510) (habitica docs) (dependency)
- Fix Mill issue, where no sensors were shown (@Danielhiversen - #137521) (mill docs)
- Don't overwrite setup state in async_set_domains_to_be_loaded (@emontnemery - #137547)
- Use separate metadata files for onedrive (@zweckj - #137549) (onedrive docs)
- Fix sending polls to Telegram threads (@jwhb - #137553) (telegram_bot docs)
- Skip building wheels for electrickiwi-api (@cdce8p - #137556)
- Add excluded domains to broadcast intent (@synesthesiam - #137566) (assist_satellite docs)
- Revert "Add
(Pico Paddle Remote) device trigger to Lutron Caseta" (@bdraco - #137571) (lutron_caseta docs) - Fix Overseerr webhook configuration JSON (@denniseffing - #137572) (overseerr docs)
- Do not rely on pyserial for port scanning with the CM5 + ZHA (@puddly - #137585) (zha docs)
- Bump eheimdigital to 1.0.6 (@autinerd - #137587) (eheimdigital docs) (dependency)
- Bump pyfireservicerota to 0.0.46 (@cyberjunky - #137589) (fireservicerota docs)
- Bump reolink-aio to 0.11.10 (@starkillerOG - #137591) (reolink docs) (dependency)
- Allow to omit the payload attribute to MQTT publish action to allow an empty payload to be sent by default (@jbouwh - #137595) (mqtt docs)
- Handle previously migrated HEOS device identifier (@andrewsayre - #137596) (heos docs)
- Bump
to version12.4.1
(@bieniu - #137598) (shelly docs) (dependency) - Bump electrickiwi-api to 0.9.13 (@mikey0000 - #137601) (electric_kiwi docs) (dependency)
- Bump ZHA to 0.0.48 (@TheJulianJES - #137610) (zha docs) (dependency)
- Bump Electrickiwi-api to 0.9.14 (@mikey0000 - #137614) (electric_kiwi docs) (dependency)
- Update google-nest-sdm to 7.1.3 (@allenporter - #137625) (nest docs) (dependency)
- Don't use the current temperature from Shelly BLU TRV as a state for External Temperature number entity (@bieniu - #137658) (shelly docs)
- Fix LG webOS TV turn off when device is already off (@thecode - #137675) (webostv docs)
- Bump hassil and intents (@synesthesiam - #137440)
- Update frontend to 20250205.0 (@bramkragten - #137441)
- Bump dbus-fast to 2.33.0 (@bdraco - #137446)