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Use FAtiMA-Toolkit to create agents for Don't Starve Together.


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Use FAtiMA-Toolkit to create agents for Don't Starve Together. This repository contains the source code for the Steam's Workshop mod FAtiMA-DST. This repository aims to provide an integration of FAtiMA-Toolkit with Don't Starve Together (DST), allowing anybody to create agents for DST.


  • Throughout this read me I'll reference game files which are available to whomever owns a copy of the game. I'll always assume as a base directory the scripts folder. This folder can be found in [DST install dir]/data/databundles/ (unzip this file).
  • Although not a prerequisite, some knowledge of the game will be helpful.
  • DST modding is encouraged and completely accepted by the game developers, however, there is no documentation whatsoever. Luckily, every line of code is available in the game directory. I recommend the use of an editor that supports the Search in files functionality. You won't need to make any mod for the game, but you'll eventually need to search the game files to understand the actions and how everything works. Check the Understanding the Actions section.

Running the mod

This integration has two components: FAtiMA-Server and FAtiMA-DST. The former is a C# console application that will run FAtiMA, and the latter is a mod for DST that will control the character. You can think of FAtiMA-Server has the brains of the agents and FAtiMA-DST has the body.

To launch an agent you'll need to follow these general steps.

  1. Subscribe to the FAtiMA-DST mod from the workshop.
  2. Download and launch FAtiMA-Server console application.
  3. Launch a game with the FAtiMA-DST mod enabled.

Creating an Agent

FAtiMA-Toolkit provides tools to create agents for any scenario. For this particular scenario, there are some restrictions you'll need to understand and that I will introduce bellow.

Currently, if you want to create an Agent for Don't Starve Together, you have to write a Role Play Character (RPC) using the FAtiMA Authoring Tools (check the FAtiMA-Toolkit page for more information) and place all it's files (.rpc, .edm, etc...) in the folder Example Character, under FAtiMA-Server console application. Ensure that the .rpc file is named walter.rpc, this is crucial! (and a limitation, future versions will provide ways to specify the RPC you want to use). I encourage you to check out the example character available in this repository. For now, if you want to run your own character you'll have to ovewrite the existing one under the Example Character folder (just rename the existing files and create your ones with the original name).


These represent the information the agent has available when making decisions. They will represent both the state of the agent and the state of the world. These beliefs will be used in the conditions for the actions you'll define.

The values enclosed in square brackets represent variables.

Agent's State

These beliefs represent the agent's state, what he is seeing, carrying and has equipped.

Belief Description
Health([name]) = [value] Describes the agent's (name) health
Hunger([name]) = [value] Describes the agent's (name) hunger
Sanity([name]) = [value] Describes the agent's (name) sanity
Moisture([name]) = [value] Describes the agent's (name) moisture level
Temperature([name]) = [value] Describes the agent's (name) temperature
IsFreezing([name]) = [bool] Describes if the agent (name) is taking damage from extreme cold
IsOverheating([name]) = [bool] Describes if the agent (name) is taking damage from extreme hot
IsBusy([name]) = [bool] Describes if the agent (name) is currently executing any action
PosX([name]) = [value] The agent's (name) current X position
PosZ([name]) = [value] The agent's (name) current Y position
InLight([name]) = [bool] Defines if the agent (name) is in the light or darkness
InSight([GUID]) = [bool] What the agent (name) is currently seeing
InInventory([GUID]) = [bool] What the agent (name) has in his inventory
IsEquipped([GUID]) = [bool] What the agent (name) has equipped

World's State

These beliefs represent information about the world and should be used in addiction to what the agent is seeing.

Belief Description
Entity([GUID]) = [prefab] Defines an entity what they are (prefab)
Quantity([GUID]) = [quantity] Defines how big is the stack (quantity) of a given entity
IsCollectable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is pickable (collect natural resources). PICK action
IsCooker([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity can cook other entities. COOK action
IsCookable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity can be cooked. COOK action
IsEdible([GUID]) = [true] True if the entity may be eaten by the curent character (it takes into account the character's diet). EAT action
IsEquippable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity may be equipped. EQUIP action
IsFuel([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity may be used to fuel stuff. FUEL action
IsFueled([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity requires fuel to function. FUEL action
IsGrower([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity can be used to grow seeds. PLANT action
IsHarvestable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is ready to be harvested. HARVEST action
IsPickable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is pickable (pick stuff from the ground). PICKUP action
IsStewer([GUID])= [bool] True if the given entity can take other entities to cook recipes
IsChoppable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is workable by an axe. CHOP action
IsDiggable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is workable by a shovel. DIG action
IsHammerable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is workable by an hammer. HAMMER action
IsMineable([GUID]) = [bool] True if the given entity is workable by a pick. MINE action
PosX([GUID]) = [value] Defines the X coordinate (value) of an entity
PosZ([GUID]) = [value] Defines the Z coordinate (value) of an entity
World(CurrentSegment) = [value] The current segment, ranges between 0 and 15
World(Cycle) = [value] Defines how many cycles (days) have passed since the start of the game
World(Phase) = [value] Defines the phase of the day. value can be: 'day', 'dusk', or 'night'
World(PhaseLenght, [phase]) = [value] The current duration of the day phase in clock segments. The sum of all segments is always 16
World(Season) = [value] Defines the current season. value can be: 'spring', 'summer', 'autumn', or 'winter'
World(SeasonProgress) = [value] A value between 0 and 1 that defines the progress of the season
World(ElapsedDaysInSeason) = [value] How many days have passed in the current season
World(RemainingDaysInSeason) = [value] How many days are left to the end of the season
World(SpringLength) = [value] Defines the current lenght of Spring
World(SummerLength) = [value] Defines the current lenght of Summer
World(AutumnLenght) = [value] Defines the current lenght of Autumn
World(WinterLenght) = [value] Defines the current lenght of Winter
World(IsSnowing) = [bool] True if it is snowing
World(IsRaining) = [bool] True if it is raining
World(MoonPhase) = [value] Defines the current moon phase. value can be: 'new', 'quarter', 'half', 'threequarter', or 'full'


In addition to the Beliefs, there are also in-game events that the agent listens to, e.g. whenever something is killed, DST does a 'killed' event which is registered as a FAtiMA event. These are the currently supported events.

Event Description
Event(Action-End, [subject], Attacked, [target]) Represents an attack made on the target by the subject
Event(Action-End, [subject], Killed, [target]) Represents the killing of the target by the hand of the subject
Event(Action-End, [subject], Death, [target]) Represents the death of the subject by the hand of the target
Event(Action-End, [subject], HitOther, [target]) Represents attacks the subject made against the target
Event(Action-End, [subject], MissOther, [target]) Represents attacks the subject missed against the target


It's imperative that all actions have the following structure

Action([action], [invobject], [posx], [posz], [recipe]) = [target]

Even if an action does not requires a specific parameter you must specify it as -.

Understanding the Actions

Whenever you want to better understand a specific action, you should look for it in the actions.lua script and see what it checks and does. Eventually you'll need to dig into the components folder and search in those scripts.

The following table presents a list of actions that agents can perform. This list has been slightly curated from the complete list of available actions in DST (these actions were taken from the actions.lua script) to exclude actions not available to characters. For a complete list of actions available in the game check this.

Actions Restrictions Description
Action(ACTIVATE, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Interact with some game elements
Action(ADDFUEL, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Add fuel to fueled entities (campfire, firesupressor)
Action(ATTACK, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Attack other entities
Action(BAIT, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Put bait on traps
Action(BUILD, -, [x], [z], [recipe]) = {([x], [z]): position, recipe: recipe's name} Depending on weather you are crafting an item or placing a structure you'll need to pass a value to the (x, z) parameters
Action(CASTSPELL, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject:GUID, target: GUID} Cast magic item at target. If invobject is not specified, the equipped item is used.
Action(CHECKTRAP, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Check if the given trap has caught anything
Action(CHOP, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Chop trees, an axe must be equipped in order to use
Action(COMBINESTACK, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Combines the given invobject into target if it is the same prefab and target is not full
Action(COOK, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Cook invobject at the specified target
Action(DEPLOY, [invobject], [x], [z], -) = - {invobject: GUID, ([x], [z]): position} Place ground tile, walls, fences, and gates
Action(DIG, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Dig grass, twigs, rabbit holes, graves, and others from the ground
Action(DROP, [invobject], [x], [Z], -) = - {invobject: GUID, ([x], [z]): position} Drop held item to a spot in the ground
Action(DRY, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Dry meat at racks
Action(EAT, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Eat food
Action(EQUIP, [invobject], -, -, -) = - {invobject: GUID} Equip an item that is in the character's inventory
Action(EXTINGUISH, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Use the invobject to extinguish the burning target
Action(FEED, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Feed the invobject to the target
Action(FEEDPLAYER, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Feed the player (target) with invobject (might work the same has the above)
Action(FERTILIZE, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Use invobject to Fertilize the target
Action(FILL, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID}, target:GUID Fill the mosquito sack (invobject) at a pond (target)
Action(FISH, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Use a fishing rod (must be equipped) to fish in a pond (target)
Action(GIVE, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Give invobject to target
Action(GIVEALLTOPLAYER, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Give all of invobject to player (target)
Action(GIVETOPLAYER, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Give invobject to player (target) (Not sure on the difference of these three actions)
Action(HAMMER, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Hammer down built structures (target)
Action(HARVEST, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Harvest crops and cookpots
Action(HEAL, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Use invobject to heal the target
Action(JUMPIN, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Jump into wormhole (target)
Action(LIGHT, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Set the target on fire (must have a torch equipped)
Action(LOOKAT, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Face the target
Action(MANUALEXTINGUISH, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Use your hands to try and extinguish fires
Action(MINE, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Mine rocks, sinkholes, glassiers, etc (must have a pickaxe equipped)
Action(MOUNT, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Mount a saddled mount (target)
Action(MURDER, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Murder targeted inocent creature (e.g. rabbits) while in inventory
Action(NET, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Use nets to catch bugs (target)
Action(PICK, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Pick the targeted resource (e.g. grass, saplings, berry bushes, etc)
Action(PICKUP, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Pick up items from the ground (e.g. rocks, twigs, cutgrass, etc.)
Action(PLANT, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Plant invobject (seeds) into target
Action(REEL, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Reel in the fish while fishing (the target is the pond)
Action(RESETMINE, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Reset mines like the tooth trap
Action(RUMMAGE, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Rummage about in a container
Action(SADDLE, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Use invobject to saddle up the target
Action(SEW, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID}, target: GUID Use invobject to sew the target
Action(SHAVE, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Use the invobject to shave the target
Action(SLEEPIN, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Sleep in the target (tent or sleeping bag)
Action(SMOTHER, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Smother the smoking target (stuff about to burst into flames)
Action(STORE, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Store the invobject into the target
Action(TAKEITEM, [], -, -, -) = [target] {}
Action(TERRAFORM, [invobject], [x], [z], -) = - {invobject: GUID, ([x], [z]): position} Use the invobject to terraform the position
Action(TURNOFF, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Turn the target off (e.g. firesupressor)
Action(TURNON, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Turn the target on
Action(UNEQUIP, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Unequip target
Action(UNSADDLE, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Remove the saddle from the target
Action(UPGRADE, [invobject], -, -, -) = [target] {invobject: GUID, target: GUID} Use *invobject to upgrade the target (e.g. upgrade a wall)
Action(WANDER, -, -, -, -) = - {} This is a the behaviour of wandering about the world, not really an action
Action(WALKTO, -, -, -, -) = [target] {target: GUID} Walk up to the target

Limitations and Considerations

The current beliefs used to represent the agent's state and the world are the necessary to develop simple behaviour and have some limitations. The interaction with containers (fridges and chests), for example, isn't the easiest to achieve using the current set of beliefs. However, the addition of new beliefs should be simple to achieve, should you read the current source code.

Nonetheless, this work represents a starting point for enpowering characters with autonomous behaviour in the world of Don't Starve Together using state of the art artificial intelligence technologies such as the FAtiMA Toolkit. Ideally, such a system would be a part of the game itself, but due to limitiations on importing of external ddl's into the game, I've chosen to take this approach of using HTTP communication (which is less than ideal).

Taking this into account, be free to develop you own agents using this project and, if you wish to, fork this project to do whatever you want. I also encourage you to look at the work from KingOfTown, which uses the built in Behaviour Trees to give autonomous behaviour to the game's characters.


Use FAtiMA-Toolkit to create agents for Don't Starve Together.







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