A live recorder focus on China mainland livestream sites.
Brother Repo of BilibiliLiveRecorder(java)
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install you-live --upgrade --user
add ~/.local/bin to your PATH
install python3 from python.org
pip install --upgrade you-live
Other Linux: please follow debian
Other OS: please DIY.
you-live [-h] [-qn QN] [-debug] [-check] [-delete] [-save_path SAVE_PATH] [-check_path CHECK_PATH]
[-format FORMAT] [-time_format TIME_FORMAT] [-cookies COOKIES] [-cookies_path COOKIES_PATH]
liver id
B站/斗鱼/快手 直播视频录制
positional arguments:
liver 要录制的直播源,如 bili,douyu,kuaishou,acfun
id 要录制的房间号,可以从url中直接获取
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-qn QN, -q QN 录制的清晰度,可以后续输入
-debug debug模式
-check 校准时间戳
-delete, -d 删除原始文件
-save_path SAVE_PATH, -sp SAVE_PATH
-check_path CHECK_PATH, -chp CHECK_PATH
-format FORMAT, -f FORMAT
-time_format TIME_FORMAT, -tf TIME_FORMAT
-cookies COOKIES, -c COOKIES
cookie, 当cookies_path未指定时生效
-cookies_path COOKIES_PATH, -cp COOKIES_PATH
Record a live from https://live.bilibili.com/6
you-live bili 6
Record a live from https://www.douyu.com/593392, correct the timestamp error and delete the origin files.
you-live -check -d douyu 593392
Notice:The record on this site(douyu) uses PyExecJS.
You may need some extra installation about the JS Environment for linux OS.
Here’s the guide for Node.js installation
Notice:You may need logged-in cookies to get high quality videos
Record a live from https://live.kuaishou.com/u/ZFYS8888, speicify the file name you want.
you-live -format "{name}-{shortId} 的{liver}直播{startTime}" kuaishou ZFYS8888
Notice:You may need cookies(may not logged-in, just skip the captha test) to get room detail information