A collection of custom cursors and icons, compatible with both X11 and Wayland desktop environments.
First, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/harilvfs/icons
Navigate into the directory that contains the cursors and icons:
cd icons/
You can install the cursors and icons either system-wide or for a specific user.
Move all the cursors and icons to the system's shared icon directory:
sudo mv * /usr/share/icons/
Alternatively, you can install the cursors and icons for a single user by creating a custom directory in your home configuration:
mkdir -p ~/.config/icons
mv * ~/.config/icons/
If the ~/.config/icons/
directory doesn't exist, the above command will create it.
After installing the icons and cursors, you need to apply them. The steps differ depending on whether you're using X11 or Wayland.
To apply icons and cursors on an X11-based system, use lxappearance:
Install lxappearance if you haven’t already:
sudo pacman -S lxappearance
Launch lxappearance:
In lxappearance, you can select and apply the newly installed icons and cursors under the "Icon Theme" and "Cursor Theme" sections.
On Wayland, you can use nwg-look for GTK and Kvantum for Qt-based applications.
nwg-look for GTK themes:
sudo pacman -S nwg-look
kvantum-qt5 (or kvantum-qt6) for Qt themes:
sudo pacman -S kvantum-qt5
For Qt6 applications:
sudo pacman -S kvantum-qt6
nwg-look: To apply the icons and cursors for GTK applications:
Select your icons and cursors from the relevant sections and apply.
Kvantum Manager: To apply the theme for Qt applications:
Select and apply your icons and cursors under the "Change/Delete Theme" tab.
This cursor and icon collection is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
MIT License