Status | Master | 3.0 |
Travis CI build status | ||
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Thank you for choosing Auto-Subliminal! The automated python subtitle downloader.
This is a modified version of the discontinued Auto-Sub Alpha 0.5.8 project ( It makes use of Subliminal ( for checking and downloading subtitles.
- Easy and straightforward script that scans your TV and MOVIE contents
- If no SUBTITLE is found (externally or internally) it will attempt to download one by using Subliminal
- Subliminal will attempt to match the correct version of the subtitle with the file located on the disk
- Once every day it will do a full rescan of your local content
- Support to search/save/delete a subtitle individually
- Support to play a video remotely (need to register a custom protocol handler on your remote machine)
- appdirs
- babelfish
- beautifulsoup4
- boto
- certifi
- chardet
- cheroot
- cherrypy
- click
- configparser
- diskcache
- dogpile.cache
- enum34
- enzyme
- futures
- gitdb2
- gitpython
- gntp
- guessit
- html5lib
- imdbpie
- jsonpickle
- langdetect
- lxml
- mako
- markupsafe
- more-itertools
- oauthlib
- portend
- pushbullet
- pysrt
- python-twitter
- python-dateutil
- python-magic
- pytz
- rarfile
- rebulk
- requests
- requests-oauthlib
- simplejson
- six
- smmap2
- stevedore
- subliminal
- tempora
- tvdb_api_v2
- unidecode
- urllib3
- webencodings
- websocket-client
- ws4py
- Install python
- Start the script: " python "
- A web browser should now open
- Go to the config menu, check the settings and make sure you set at least:
- Video paths: The root folder(s) of your series and/or movies
- Default language: Your primary subtitle language
- Subliminal settings: Your minimal match score and used providers
- Restart Auto-Subliminal
Enjoy your subtitles!