Automatically generate code from predefined templates. No boilerplate.
Boilerplate coding is tedious. Temples automates the process by giving you the ability to define Handlebars templates, target paths, and the CLI commands to automatically generate the code. You can create new files or insert into existing ones.
Example of Temples CLI
Feedback and stars welcomed! :)
# Install globally
npm install [-g] temples
# Or, in your project
npm install --save-dev temples
Temples reads from a
configuration file. Refer to Configuration below to create your own configuration file before running temples.
You can run temples by specifying the generator command and props, or invoke a CLI step by step interface where you can input these parameters.
# Invoke CLI interface
# Or, directly specify generator and value for each prop
temples [generator] --[prop]=[value] ...
# Read more in the manual
temples -h
Required. Temples will throw error if undefined.
In your .temples.yaml
file, specify the generators
object. This lists all available generators and what each does, either creating new files or inserting code into existing files.
# .temples.yaml
# Give your command a name
# Documentation for this command will
# be shown during CLI interface
doc: ...
files: ...
inserts: ...
Generate new files given a target path, and an optional template path. If template is given, temples will use the contents of that template, compile it with given props, and output to target path.
# .temples.yaml
# Use `component.hbs` and create `index.js`
- template: component.hbs
target: index.js
# Create empty file at `index.js`
- target: index.js
# Compile with `name` and create
# file at `[component_name]/index.js`
- target: '{{ name }}/index.js'
Insert code into targeted files. Temples uses user defined regex to find tags in targeted files and replace them with the parsed content. File comments are the best ways to do this:
/* components/index.js */
// temples(import {{ name }} from './{{ name }}';)
import Button from './Button';
# .temples.yaml
# File extension to ECMAScript regex pattern
# The first regex capture group is the
# template for the insert
js: '\/\/ temples\((.+)\)'
# Insert into `components/index.js`
- target: components/index.js
# Insert into `components/[component_name]/index.js`
- target: 'components/{{ name }}/index.js'
Here's a great playground tool for finding the right regex pattern.
Specify the base paths for templates, files, or inserts. base
can be specified and overridden in the root configuration file or the generator command's configuration.
# .temples.yaml
# Find templates, files, and inserts
# under `dir/`
base: dir
# Override to be `dir/subdir/`
base: dir/subdir
# Find templates in `dir/templates`
# Target files and inserts in `dir/targets`
templates: dir/templates
target: dir/targets
# Find templates in `dir/templates`
# Target files in `dir/targets/files`
# Target inserts in `dir/targets/inserts`
templates: dir/templates
files: dir/targets/files
inserts: dir/targets/inserts
Default prop values if not provided in CLI.
If there is no default provided and user doesn't specify value, Handlebars compiles undefined props to empty string.
# .temples.yaml
name: 'NewComponent'
# Override default in root level
name: 'NewestComponent'
Specify props that should be prompted for in the CLI interface. It's not optimal for temples to search through all props available in templates. You can specify which props to prompt for with this key.
# .temples.yaml
# Ask user for `name` and `directory`
props: [name, directory]
# In YAML, this is the same
- name
- directory
# Provide documentation for each prop
# during CLI interface
- name: name
doc: Name of component
- name: directory
doc: Directory to place component in
Position to insert output to. This is relative to the regex tag in the target file. Default position is below
. The most specific position will be used.
# .temples.yaml
position: above | below | right | left
position: above | below | right | left
- target: components/index.js
position: above | below | right | left
Temples uses Handlebars templating engine, and temples has some built-in helpers.
Convert into camelCase.
Convert into kebab-case
Convert into snake_case
Convert into UPPER CASE
Convert into lower case
Convert into TitleCase
The built-in helpers might not be enough for your use case. You can customize the Handlebars instance temples uses by specifying a path to a JavaScript file that configures Handlebars.
Use the given handlebars instance to change its settings. See the Handlebars runtime documentation.
Return an object to customize the compile options for Handlebars. See the Handlebars compile options.
# .temples.yaml
handlebars: configureHandlebars.js
// configureHandlebars.js
module.exports = (handlebars) => {
handlebars.registerHelper('replace', (v) => {
return v.replace(' ', '-');
return {
noEscape: false,
If a variable conflicts with a helper name (e.g. {{ title }}
), Handlebars will treat it as a helper instead of a variable. You can namespace the variable with this
or ./
to avoid naming conflicts.
Sometimes you need Handlebars to ignore parsing a prop. For example, if you're generating a file from a twig template, Handlebars might parse {{ example }}
You can leave it as it is by escaping:
Check out a documented example here.
Copyright © 2020 - Present, Gino Jacob. MIT License.