Sample ESB with Zato. Watch our YouTube playlist here.
git clone
cd zato-demo
docker-compose up
From another CLI tab, ping a test:
curl localhost:11223/zato/ping ; echo
If everything is OK, we've got:
- Zato dashboard: http://localhost:8183
- JSON Document Service: http://localhost:8185/documents
- XML Document Service: http://localhost:8186/documents
# print ip info
docker exec cluster1 ifconfig
# print 2 passwords
docker exec cluster1 cat /opt/zato/web_admin_password /opt/zato/zato_user_password
- Go to http://localhost:8183
- Login with username "admin" and the above password
After adding the services in /service1 & service2:
$ curl localhost:11223/tutorial/first-service -d '{"cust_id":123, "cust_type":"A"}'
$ curl localhost:11223/documents -X POST -d '<request><id>11</id><subject>Hello world</subject><body>Here is the body</body><by>Xooner</by><time>1106058601</time></request>'