An AWS API Gateway that can be used to receive data via a POST request and store the data in to an s3 bucket in json format.
terraform apply
Plan: 21 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Once applied, test the deployment URL with Ansible. It will Post to the API and check that a file is created on s3.
Terraform will create a variables file for Ansible to use, so it will know the API endpoint and s3 bucket to check
The file will be located at /ansible/roles/test/vars/main.yml
cd ansible
ansible-playbook main.yml
Assuming 1m API requests and 5 GB of logs stored on Cloudwatch per month
Project: gordonmurray/terraform_aws_api_gateway_proxy
Name Monthly Qty Unit Monthly Cost
└─ Requests (first 333M) 1 1M requests $3.50
├─ Data ingested 5 GB $2.50
├─ Archival Storage 5 GB $0.15
└─ Insights queries data scanned 5 GB $0.03
├─ Requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.20 per 1M requests
└─ Duration (first 6B) 125 GB-seconds $0.00
└─ Standard
├─ Storage Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.023 per GB
├─ PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.005 per 1k requests
├─ GET, SELECT, and all other requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0004 per 1k requests
├─ Select data scanned Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.002 per GB
└─ Select data returned Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0007 per GB
20 cloud resources were detected:
∙ 4 were estimated, all of which include usage-based costs, see
∙ 14 were free:
∙ 2 x aws_api_gateway_integration
∙ 2 x aws_api_gateway_method
∙ 2 x aws_api_gateway_method_response
∙ 2 x aws_iam_role_policy_attachment
∙ 1 x aws_api_gateway_deployment
∙ 1 x aws_api_gateway_resource
∙ 1 x aws_iam_policy
∙ 1 x aws_iam_role
∙ 1 x aws_lambda_permission
∙ 1 x aws_s3_bucket_acl
∙ 2 are not supported yet, see
∙ 2 x aws_api_gateway_integration_response
This project includes a Checkly provider and API test so that the resulting API gateway is monitored.