- Install iTerm2 or Hyper
- Install oh-my-zsh
- Install Homebrew
- Install Fig:
brew install fig
- Download
:curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/giladgray/dotfiles/main/zshrc > ~/.zshrc
- Download
:curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/giladgray/dotfiles/main/gitconfig > ~/.gitconfig
- Restart terminal
- Install NVM via curl then Node:
nvm install 14
- Install Yarn:
npm install --global yarn
node -v && npm -v && yarn -v
git config --global user.name "<name>"
git config --global user.email "<email>"
- Diff tool:
npm install -g diff-so-fancy
- Generate SSH Key and add to Github
- Clone relevant git repos
* Install from the Mac App Store
- iTerm
- Preferences → Profiles → Keys tab → Key Mappings tabs →
dropdown →Natural Text Editing
. - Preferences → Keys → Hotkey tab → Check
Show/hide all windows
- Preferences → Profiles → Keys tab → Key Mappings tabs →
- SourceTree / GitHub Desktop
- VS Code
- Sign it to GitHub to sync settings.
- 1Password - Requires login with Secret Key
- Alfred
- PowerPack → Clipboard → enable History
- BetterTouchTool
- Magnet*
- Signal Messenger
- Spotify
- Steam
- Bluetooth → ✅
Show Bluetooth in menu bar
- Mission Control → ❌
Automatically rearrange Spaces...
- Trackpad → Point & Click → ✅
Tap to click
- Trackpad → Scroll & Zoom → ❌
Scroll direction: Natural