Krite is a collection of tools for quickly setting up interactive maps. It consists of various generic and reusable components that facilitate various common tasks. For instance:
- managing map state
- interacting with the map
- working with projection systems
- interfacing with data sources.
Krite uses the excellent Leaflet library for the actual rendering of the map.
The functionality of krite for the most part divided into two parts: services and data sources.
Most functionality in krite is subdivided into services. These are dependencies that perfom a specific role such as talking to an API or wrapping around external modules.
- LocationService - helper for geolocation
- MapService - wrapper for a Leaflet map
- NominatimService - wrapper for Openstreetmap Nominatim
- PdokLocatieserverService - wrapper for Dutch search service
- XMLService - helper for common xml tasks
Data sources are connectors for interfacing with geospatial data sources. The included data sources wrap different kinds of web services with the same consistent API. This allows you to combine map data from multiple data sources without worrying about implementation details.
Included in this repository you can find connectors for:
- OGC OWS endpoints (WMS/WFS)
- Geoserver (WMS/WFS using cql_filters)
- ESRI Tiled Map Layers
- Basemaps from the Dutch PDOK
- Openstreetmap
npm install krite
A bundle file is provided in /dist/
but since we don't use it internally it's not properly tested. I recommend you include from lib
and bundle yourself.
To create a new krite instance:
import Krite from 'krite/lib/krite';
const krite = new Krite();
Adding services
import { InspectorService } from 'krite/lib/services/inspector';
krite.addService('InspectorService', new InspectorService);
// Or
InspectorService: new InspectorService(),
Get service instances
krite.promiseService('DrawService').then((service) => {
// Do something
Creating the map
krite.addService('MapService', new MapService({
container: '#map-container',
leaflet: {
minZoom: 3,
maxZoom: 16,
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 3,
preferCanvas: true,
Adding data sources
import { OWSSource } from 'krite/lib/sources/ows/source';
krite.addSource('Boundless Geoserver', new OWSSource ''));
// or
'Boundless Geoserver': new OWSSource(''),
Reading data sources
const source = krite.getSource('Boundless Geoserver');
source.getLayerNames().then((names) => {
source.getLayer('Countries of the World').then((layer) => {;
Interaction'click', (point) => {
console.log(`Clicked on ${point.x}, ${point.y}`);
Highlighting'click', async (point) => {
// You can also get the layer from the source
const layer ='Countries of the World');
// Point is in the chosen CRS
const featureCollection = await layer.intersectsPoint(point);
if (featureCollection.features.length > 0) {[0]);
For development and testing purposes there are some examples views in /views/
. You can run them by starting vite with vite dev
or npm run dev
and going to the provided local url.
Clone this repository and run npm install
. Run tsc -d
to compile the typescript source files.
Krite is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license