FFXIV Dalamud Plugin which receive instructions and report information like Meteion.
Listen local port to receive command from http and execute it in game just like what PostNamazu did.
Can work with ACT Triggernometry.
In addition, PostMetion also maintain a set of delegate to post realtime ingame information to webhook.
A python trigger framework Noetophoreon is provided about how to handle the post between PostMetion.
Add repo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gamous/PostMeteion/main/PluginMaster.json
to import single plugin to your dalamud.
Or use another repo if gaming with Chinese client: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gamous/DalamudPluginsCN-Dev/main/PluginMaster.json
open control panel- show settings
- set a lucky port number and start
- Just post your command to
(Triggernometry Action: Post General JSON )