This repository contains the implementation of the model presented in the paper "Modelling Concept Drift in Dynamic Data Streams for Recommender Systems".
The repository includes the following files:
: Executes experiments on the Amazon Video Games dataset.DataStream_AMZ_INV_exp.ipynb
: Executes experiments on the Amazon Video Games dataset with inverted roles.DataStream_MIND_exp.ipynb
: Executes experiments on the MIND dataset.DataStream_YOOCHOOSE_exp.ipynb
: Executes experiments on the Yoochoose
: Contains the common code used across all
: this files.Dockerfile
: docker file to build a custom image with a JupyterLab instance.requirements.txt
: dependencies file.MSNewsDatasetPreprocess.ipynb
: notebook for the MIND dataset preprocessing.PreprocessYoochooseDataset.ipynb
: notebook for the Yoochoose dataset preprocessing.
To run the experiments, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd mcd_dds4rs # fix permission for docker environment chmod 777 your-repo-name chmod 666 your-repo-name/*
Build the docker image (optional)
docker build --rm --tag my-ds-image .
The docker contains required libraries for this project. The dependecies are defined in the requirements.txt.
Executes the Jupyter notebooks.
docker run -it --rm -p 18888:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work my-ds-image --ip --IdentityProvider.token=''
Open the browser at
Now you can execute the notebooks.
For the dataset Yoochoose and MIND, the source dataset files must be pre-processed with the notebooks: