- Pro
IG Trading API for Node.js, written in TypeScript.
Sample application showing how to use semantic search with Redis and JavaScript.
3D playground built on three.js and cannon.js.
Portable 3D/WebXR component based on three.js
Library to simplify the way you create and manipulate sounds with the Web Audio API.
High-resolution real-time graphic audio spectrum analyzer JavaScript module with no dependencies.
i18next-http-backend is a backend layer for i18next using in Node.js, in the browser and for Deno.
cellengine / bindns
Forked from atrniv/ndnsFast DNS library, server and client for Node.js based on libbind-6
Native UI testing / controlling with node
A human-readable query language implementation for being able to filter for specific JavaScript/JSON objects in an array.
🔥 A body parser for koa, express. support json, form, text, multipart and stream type body.
Implementation of google recaptcha v2 & V3 solutions for express.js
A library for prototyping realtime hand detection (bounding box), directly in the browser.
A minimal overhead event loop delay sampler.
Fast, lightweight library for encoding and decoding JSON messages over streams.
javascript embeddable / in-memory database
Jayson is a simple but featureful JSON-RPC 2.0/1.0 client and server for node.js
Node.js Message Queue and Multi-Process Manager
Inter-Process-Communication (IPC) Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) Abstraction Layer
SippieCup / ocr-space-api-alt
Forked from dennnisk/ocr-space-apiNode module that allow to access ocr.space API to send images and get the OCR Result (get the image text)
Third party integrations for the Webix UI