Tags: fluent/fluent-logger-php
bumped up 0.3.7 [fixes] - fix fclose warnings - fix coding styles - close connection after having exception on socket - add retry_socket options [misc] - update vagrant box and use librarian-chef to manage cookbook. - add stress test script into examples/stress. this usefull for testing - fix testcases [deprecated] - throw away package.xml. we recommend to use composer
bumped up 0.3.4: fix reconnect bug. Basically, stream_socket_connect can't get any errors with that API. for now, we rely error_get_last()'s message. fluent-logger will close the socket and reconnect to the host if it contains `errno=32` (EPIPE). [Changes] * add exponential backoff strategy for reconnecting issue and it becomes defualt back off strategy. also change default attempt count. * change method name: FluentLogger::clearInstances as fix typo. * fix many many typos. i can't believe why i missed those things.