- 🌱 I love Go and I plan to transition to building cloud based applications in the future. 🔥
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate more on open source projects and on content creation related to Go and Node.js/JavaScript 👀
- 🤔 I love large scale distributed systems and how they all play together. Looking to learn more. 👀
- 💬 Ask me about general software development topics and specifically on topics related to Backend Engineering. I love Docker, Kubernetes and AWS services. Looking to explore more of these tech in the future. 💛
- ⚡ Fun fact: I play Football and I'm pretty good at it. ⭐
- Going Serverless in Node.js
- Caching in Node.js
- JWT Authentication in Node.js
- WebRTC and WebSocket in Node.js
- A guide to ElasticDump
- An Express style API in Go with Fiber
- SQL and ElasticSearch with Open Distro
- Async Programming in JS
- Typescript and Graphql with Type-graphql
- Messsage queuing with RabbitMQ in Node.js
- Elasticsearch query builder in Node.js
- Understanding caching with Redis
- Real-time data streaming with Apache kafka
Please, feel free to reach out if you have any question(s). 😉