👋 Hi, I’m @ferdinand-popp
Currently I’m a prospective PhD candidate at the University of Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center. In this account I forked interesting projects to learn and combine them.
Most projects I did are currently private, until they are published or if they contain sensible patient data. Some of my projects are private due to company affiliation, sorry!
Bioinformatic projects (can be requested):
- Finding a predictive gene signature for relapse risk in AML Patients with machine learning
- Cancer patient graphs: Extracting knowledge from multi-omics and clinical datasets using effective graph autoencoders
- Differential Expression Analysis of RNAseq Data & GSEA
- Evaluating Oxford Nanopore sequencing for engineered AAV capsid sequencing
- Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics: Bioactivity Prediction for SMILES on protein
- Multiple ML projects that we teach in the Bioinformatics courses at the university