This repository contains the code used for the experimentation shown in the paper published in the Journal of Personality (Journal Version, Preprint version).
- Download
file from and unzip it in the project dir. - Download
from and put it in thedata/yelp_dataset
folder. - execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - execute
python -m embedding_tuning.nltk_init
The project is composed by the following directories.
Contains embeddings (GloVe and tuned embeddings), the known terms scoring dataset and the Yelp reviews corpus.
Module that tunes GloVe embedding.
- tunes GloVe embedding by training the CNN models on Yelp reviews corpus. Saves the tuned embeddings in the data directory. Each trait i (i=0: trait O, i=1: trait C, i=2: trait E, i=3: trait A, i=4: trait N) has its own
subdirecotry containing the pickle file representing the hidden layer weights' matrix associated to the CNN model of the trait i. It stores also other pickle files: embedding vocabulary, words' frequencies, test/train inputs/outputs and initial weights.
Module that trains fnn models and performs performance tests (coherence, kfcv and embedding test).
- performs the coherence test on the specified embedding. Results are stored in
, where embedding is the specified embedding, k is the specified number of folds and d is the specified type of neighbors' set. - performs the K-folds Cross-Validation test on the specified embedding. Results are stored in
, where embedding is the specified embedding and k is the specified number of folds. - predict.ipynb: notebook that trains the five fnn models on all the known terms and stores unknown terms' marker indices associated to the five traits in
, where embedding is the specified embedding. - performs the KNN test on the specified embedding. Performances are stored in
where embedding is the specified embedding and k is the specified number of nearest neighbors.
Each module has its own config
subfolder that contains a file, whose name ends with
, for each of the specified py files in the Project structure paragraph.
To specify, for the first time, the running configuration of a specific py file, run the associated
file. A yaml file with the same name will be created. Edit the yaml file with the desired running configuration and run the py file. The meaning of each parameter is specified in
's comments.