A simple Python script that send GET requests to an host where a SNMP daemon is running.
This script shows on the screen CPU load and memory usage about the remote host, whose name is required in input.
The script makes many reports as many as the number of iterations given by input.
To avoid problems like "no such object", you have to add the following line to snmpd.conf file:
view systemonly included .
To install Easy SNMP library on Debian/Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt-get install libsnmp-dev snmp-mibs-downloader
sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev
pip3 install easysnmp
python3 snmpstat.py
1) current time (month - day - hour - year)
************ REPORT ************
1 minute load: ....
5 minute load: ....
10 minute load: ....
Total: .... kB
Available: .... kB
Buffered: .... kB
Cached: .... kb
************ END OF REPORT ************