: a Python package for the computation of the maximum bisimulation of
directed graphs.
In this thesis I analyse three algorithms for the computation of maximum
bisimulation, which I also implemented in the Python package BisPy
The PDF file is available here italian only. The slides which I used during the discussion of the thesis are here.
This is a reduced version of the list of references which I consulted:
- Saha, Diptikalyan. "An incremental bisimulation algorithm." International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007. DOI
- Dovier, Agostino, Carla Piazza, and Alberto Policriti. "A fast bisimulation algorithm." International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001. DOI
- Gentilini, Raffaella, Carla Piazza, and Alberto Policriti. "From bisimulation to simulation: Coarsest partition problems." Journal of Automated Reasoning 31.1 (2003): 73-103. DOI
- Paige, Robert, and Robert E. Tarjan. "Three partition refinement algorithms." SIAM Journal on Computing 16.6 (1987): 973-989. DOI
- Hopcroft, John. "An n log n algorithm for minimizing states in a finite automaton." Theory of machines and computations. Academic Press, 1971. 189-196.
- Aczel, Peter. "Non-well-founded sets." (1988).
- Kanellakis, Paris C., and Scott A. Smolka. "CCS expressions, finite state processes, and three problems of equivalence." Information and computation 86.1 (1990): 43-68. DOI
- Sharir, Micha. "A strong-connectivity algorithm and its applications in data flow analysis." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 7.1 (1981): 67-72. DOI
- Cormen, Thomas H., et al. Introduction to algorithms. MIT press, 2009. (ISBN: 9780262533058)