Is Strong? it's a technical test where I using React, and Styled Components, and Jest, and Enzyme...
I opted out don't use Redux or Redux-Saga to control the states.
In that example form, we have a component from validate a password strength, where we pass props like: min characters, max characters, enable compare password, etc.
Demo online here!
improvements coming soon. 😜
Download or clone this repository;
Yarn: $ yarn
Npm: $ npm i
Yarn: $ yarn start
Npm: $ npm start
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Yarn: $ yarn test
Npm: $ npm test
Yarn: $ yarn test --coverage
Npm: $ npm test --coverage
I'm using the great Docz
Yarn: $ yarn doc
Npm: $ npm doc
Open http://localhost:3030 to view components doc in the browser.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.